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Zhejiang Scenery: One hundred Buildings
發佈時間:2018-04-23 18:25:57    

  One hundred Buildings is located on both banks of the East Baijianlou River, Nanxun Ancient Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City. The Baijianlou River is east to Dongdiao Bridge, north to Zhazhuang Bridge. One hundred Buildings is built along the river and is about 400 meters long. It was built by Dong Fen who was Nanxun people and the Rites of the Wanli Reign in the Ming Dynasty. One hundred Buildings is the riverside community with the most intact preservation and traditional features. It is more than 400 meters long and it has a history of more than 400 years. One hundred Buildings is located on the northeast side of the town and is built along the east and west banks of the old canal. Legend has it that Dong Fen, the Rites of Ming Dynasty, was built for his family's servant. When the building was built, there were about 100 buildings, so it was called "One  hundred Buildings." This name has been preserved so far.


  The entire street houses are arranged in rows and the side walls are connected. Its characteristic is that it is located by the river, and it is connected by a stone bridge. The building is a traditional Uwa Powder wall, forming a arcade-style long street made up of lightweight and transparent roll-hole doors.
  Between the buildings, the gables are towering, there are cloud heads; there are pockets made of Guanyin; there are also three-fold wall clips made of horses, with different heights and black walls. Under the black roofs of the riverfront houses, there are Mingegeng Windows and another layer of black tiles. Next to the riverside of the Guilang River, it is light and airy. It is admired by the aura of the waterfront dwellings.


  The most concentrated section of the building is the Lotus Bridge to the Long Bridge on the east bank of the river. The houses are relatively tidy and covered with riverbanks. There are white walls, blue tiles, corridors, rivers, flower walls, rolling doors, galleries.  River flow, ship exchanges, present a unique scene of a typical Jiangnan water town.
  The West Bank was bombed by Japanese military aircraft in the 1940s. It was damaged badly. After being repaired, it was still inferior to the old days.
  The Baijianlou River was originally a canal, and the materials of Huzhou and Wuzhen, Suzhou and Nanxun were all shipped out of the river. Yuan did not build a city wall and became a section of the city. Most of the rivers were warehouses and shops. The coast was built into neat bars and banks, and hippopotamuses stood on the shore so that the boats could be docked and loaded with royal loans. Along the river is Long Street. There are too many houses along the street for the former shop. Large family homes are three to four shelters, and most people are two houses with one patio.(Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:鮑柳初    | 責編:李斌    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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