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Zhejiang Scenery: Shengsi Islands
發佈時間:2018-04-21 16:57:14    

   Shengsi Island, the Ji County, is located east of Hangzhou Bay and southeast of the Yangtze River estuary. It consists of hundreds of island groups at the confluence of the Qiantang River and the Yangtze River estuary, including the Dayang Mountain, Xiaoyangshan Mountain, Shenjiawan Island, and There are more than 404 large and small islands such as Shizui Island, of which 16 are inhabited islands. The largest island in the reef, with an area of 21.2 square kilometers.


  Shengsi is one of the top ten fishery counties in the country and is located in the center of the famous Zhoushan Fishery Center. The fishery resources are abundant and it is called “East Sea Fish Store” and “Sea Ranch”. More than 500 species of marine life such as octopus, yellow croaker, squid, squid, crab, shrimp, shellfish, and algae are abundant. The modern fishing complex of Ma'an Archipelago is included in the second batch of 50 provincial modern agricultural comprehensive districts, becoming the first provincial-level modern fishery comprehensive district in Zhejiang Province.


  Shengsi is an important combination port of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, and is also the core port area of Shanghai International Shipping Center. It mainly includes Yangshan Port Area, Caijiao Port Area and Greenhuashan Port Area. There are 9 deep-water shore sections suitable for development, with a total length of 46.5 kilometers, of which the water depth is 15 meters above the shoreline of 36.5 kilometers, the water depth is 20 meters above the shoreline of 10 kilometers, and 70% of the coastline is still unused.

  Shengsi Island is the only state-level scenic spot in the national archipelago. It is known as “mountainous mountain” and has original ecotourism features such as “Bihaiqi reef, Jinsha Fishing Boat” and has been recognized as more than 50 scenic spots.


  The scenic spots of the Shengli Islands are divided into four scenic spots: the Pelican reef scenic spot featuring Bihai Jinsha, fisherman's leisure, and seafood cuisine, and the flower green area featuring the largest lighthouse in the Far East - flower and bird lighthouse and Kirishima, with fishing ports and seas. Yashan-Yun Scenic Area, which is characterized by cliffs and fishing customs, is a scenic mountain area with magical stone reefs and modern port bridges. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:王子怡    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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