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Zhejiang Scenery: Roar Mountain
發佈時間:2018-04-22 17:27:48    

   Roar Mountain is located 12 kilometers east of the ancient city of Shaoxing and is located in the town of Yuecheng District. Roar Mountain is also known as Dog Mountain. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, the Rebirth of a king used to keep dogs hunting white deer in order to sacrifice King Wu. The word “dog” in Shaoxing dialect is similar to “roar”, and the call to “dog” sounds indecent, so for a long time it becomes Roar Mountain. There are a lot of animal-like rocks within the scenic area, like dogs, lions, and elephants, of course, most of them are dogs, which coincides with the original meaning of Roar Mountain. These are people's beautiful imaginations, and the actual formation principles are the same as those of Donghu Lake.


        The main landscapes of Roar Mountain include Yanluo Cave, Shengshui Cave, Yunshi, Checkerboard stone and so on. There are other buildings such as Yue Culture Museum, Lansheng Pavilion, Shouning Temple. Among them, Yunshi and Checkerboard stone are the landmarks of Roar Mountain. The marble and chessboard stones were at the highest point of the Roar Mountain. Observing the marble, the top is coarse and the feet is fine, it inverted like a cone. On top of it, a crumbling UFO-shaped rock is set aside which makes viewers discouraged. On the side of the Yunshi is Chessboard stone, and it is said that Ge Hong and the other god once played on the rock top. There is also a natural viewing platform on the hillside above the Yunshi and there is Jinlan Pavilion. Like the Donghu Lake, it is also a good place for viewing the beautiful scenery of the township. In the spring days, the immense water towns and fields are spotted and the rivers criss-cross each other. This is a good example of the spring scenery. Compared with Donghu Lake, the view is more open because there is no city block.



  There is also a site of Gu Yue Kiln near the Shengshui Cave, and many ceramic fragments can be found on the hillside from time to time. From the left to the west, pass through the trails in the Taolin Forest and enter the Yanluo Cave, pit through a path. The name of the “Land of Peace” of the Yanluo Cave is known for its reputation. The cave is surrounded by Taolin. Once vaulted stone gate, the space is suddenly open. It is an ideal place for visitors to enjoy the stone scene and rest. Roar Mountain is famous for its stone oddity, quietness, and clear water, especially the lush forests of Taolin, which make Roar Mountain more charming. Every spring, there is a Prunus persica festival.(Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:李斌    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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