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This world-class conference was once again held in Yuhang district The first global "poverty allev
發佈時間:2018-04-22 17:22:32    

   This world-class conference was once again held in Yuhang district  The first global "poverty alleviation for design" initiative was held.
        On April 21st, the 2nd World Industrial Design Conference was held in Dream Town, Liangzhu, Hangzhou. This conference is a world design industry development conference initiated by the China Industrial Design Association and joint design organizations, institutions, companies, and institutions from more than 30 countries and regions. It is a big international exchange and cooperation platform, which hopes to universally promote design innovation, economy and social integration, to promote the exchange and cooperation of design between countries and regions. It aims at openness and cooperation, and bases on the principles of voluntary, equality, sharing and win-win.
       The theme of the 2nd World Industrial Design Conference is “Design & Ecology”. It includes three ecological forms, namely, humanities ecology that respecting and promoting diverse cultural by design; environmental ecology that designs to create a sustainable environmental ecology; Entrepreneurial ecology that with the power of design to promote a healthy industrial ecology.
       At the opening ceremony, the organizing committee of the conference, together with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, China Industrial Design Association, Mengqi Town, and related national and regional design industry organizations and professionals, jointly issued the “Poverty Alleviation for Design” for the first time. The Declaration advocates international organizations, governments, and the global design industry to cooperate in the development of a broader and deeper level of poverty alleviation for design, and to make full use of the power of design through original, moral, emotional, and aesthetic design forces. The mission is to eliminate all forms of poverty, to form a virtuous circle in the economic, social, and environmental fields, effectively enhancing industrial vitality and life value, promoting prosperity, protecting the earth, and finally making contributes to the realization of the UN 2030 sustainable development agenda.
       In other words, it is, through the joint cooperation of a number of international organizations, design industries, and design agencies to carry out more poverty alleviation work, to form a virtuous circle in the economic, social and environmental fields.
       In addition, the conference held a signing ceremony for the major project of the WIDC and signed a number of major projects. The most eye-catching thing is Designing open universities.
       Designing open university is an interdisciplinary university with no majors and all enrollment is graduate students. It cooperates with more than 30 national design organizations, companies, and universities to create a convergence platform for the world's industrial design conferences and jointly construct a design and innovation education system that is oriented towards the future, openness, sharing, inclusiveness, sustainability, and international perspective.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:丁毅強    | 責編:李斌    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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