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Zhejiang Scenery: Linhai National Geopark
發佈時間:2018-04-19 17:00:33    

Zhejiang Linhai National Geopark is located in the coastal zone about 50 kilometers east of Linhai City in the eastern part of Zhejiang Province. The park is located on the east side of the Wenzhou-Zhenhai Great Break. Geological Park is characterized by the Late Cretaceous volcanic intrusion formed in China from about 9.5 to 65 million years ago.


The main strata of the geological park is the Upper Cretaceous Tiantai Group, which is part of the late Mesozoic volcanic eruption belt along the eastern coast of Zhejiang Province. Volcanic activity is dominated by acidic magmatic eruptions, with magmatic intrusion. In the geological park, the unique lava platform, peak plexus, and stone forest formed by layered volcanic rocks, fault structures, and vertical columnar joints are the main elements that constitute the park's natural landscape. The highest peak in the park is Baiyan Mountain, which is 508 meters above sea level, and the general peak is between 200-300 meters above sea level.

The Datkantou volcano intrusive rock mass is located near Dakantou Village in eastern of Lianpan. The crater area is about 2 square kilometers. The central part of the volcanic crater is formed by the intrusion of late acidic lava and forms volcanic rock strata. The lava is cooled to form about 15 million stone pillars. Stone pillars and hexagons are very regular geometric shapes, like artificial carvings. Stone pillars are vertically extended 300-500 meters in height and exposed. And they are arranged in an orderly or erect or reclining position. They are layered and magnificent. They can be described as pillars of stone. In addition, Wanzhu Peak, Qianzhu Cliff, fence wall, giant road, and coral rock, the majestic and spectacular landscape of the magnificent stone forest, and the various waterfalls and streams constitute a natural picture, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. There is also a large number of flow structures formed by the overflow and flow of acid lava. They are horizontally and erectly distributed, and the thickness of flow marks is common. There are also tower-shaped rock peaks formed by volcanic channels (consisting of the natural three-towers of Taozhu). The rock tower is high and flat, 150-200 meters above the surrounding mountains. It is located in the coastal area and is particularly spectacular. Views in different directions, it is such as "tower", such as "castle", such as "barrier" and "Hibiscus". And it is a good place to watch the sunrise and misty sea. The acidic lava platform undergoes structural uplift, weathering erosion, and seawater erosion to form peak column topography and sea erosion cave topography.


Any national geological park is not only a geological relic. In terms of nature, there should be animals and plants, especially a variety of plants; hydrological, meteorological, and topographic features should also be included. If the geopark is blessed with nature and the human landscape is colorful, it is a very comprehensive geopark.(promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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