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Zhejiang Scenery: Silver Pit in Anji county
發佈時間:2018-04-18 15:33:28    

Silver pit is located in Tianhuangping, Anji county, and is a scenic spot built on the base of 10,000 mu of bamboo. It is all within 15 minutes by car away from the famous attractions, such as “the Museum of bamboo”, “Tianhuangping Power Station”, “Canglong Waterfall”, and “the first drift of Huangpu River”. The area is full of green plants, and it is a place where you can feel far away from the dust of the city. You can breathe fresh air and relax yourself easily. The scenic spots are divided into five areas: the overlooking area for the sea of bamboo, the viewing area for unique bamboo, the canyon & rock area, the ecological film and television area, and the tea plantation area. There are many scenic spots among them like the White Tea Park and the Xianren Lake. Most of them are based on bamboo forests and film and television base area. In the scenic area, the mountain road is winding, steep or plain, the ups and downs are constantly changing; along the road, you can hear the sound of water flowing, sometimes like the roaring of waterfall, sometimes are quietly flowing through the bridge, which is very different; in the sea of bamboo, there are green sceneries and breezy winds, which makes people feel like they are cured by the nature; the scenic area is vast, the lakes are gentle, and the canyons are winding. It is an ideal place to hold various outdoor sports and fitness projects.


In the film and television base area, there are several shooting sites like “the Rebirth of a king”, “the Banquet” and “the Matrimony” as the scenic spots. Most of them are based on bamboo forests. There are distinctive buildings such as bamboo houses and villas, and small lakes built in them. Some are of antique, some are full of Western charm, the sceneries are very beautiful. There are also many exotic stones and bamboos to be enjoyed in the viewing area of the park. There are stones shaped like two dragons playing with a ball, or like the rocks in the sea, or like the beasts looking up the sky. There are exotic bamboos, shaping like a family of three, like the three kingdoms together, and the bamboos for rich, etc.,which are very interesting. Viewing of the Sea of bamboo in the bamboo house is also a key attraction within the scenic spot. Standin on the bamboo house, you can feel that 10,000 mu bamboo trees are at the feet of yours.


Silver pit Scenic Area, based on the Bamboo Sea of China's Bamboo Township, is decorated with ancient and exotic stones. It has majestic mountains, beautiful river and ancient legends. Being here, you will sincerely appreciate the nature's workmanship. The Chinese American Tan Dun, who won the Academy Awards for the Best Music, once said: "The beautiful scenery in Silver pit is one of the best in the country." (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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