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Hangzhou, Quzhou opened the first national identity card online function certificate
發佈時間:2018-04-17 16:49:21    

  China Net Wave Information   On April 17th, the “ID Card Online Function Verification Certificate”(hereinafter referred to as “net card”) certified by the Trusted Identity Authentication Platform (CTID) of the First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security made its debut in Alipay and officially opened in Quzhou, Hangzhou, and Fuzhou. Multiple scenes from three cities were simultaneously piloted.

  Through Alipay will be able to use, sweep can be used

  In the office hall of Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, Ms. Jiang became the first person who paid for the “net card” at Alipay. She completed the relevant certifications such as brushing her face. After she proved to be herself, she conveniently received her own network card. And completed a series of provident fund social security inquiries and a series of businesses that had to present their ID cards before they could handle them. Ms. Jiang said, "It's like an electronic version of an ID card. It's so convenient."


  (Ms. Jiang, who was the first to use the "net card" in Alipay.)

  At Fuzhou North Bus Station and Ruiwo Smart Hotel under Hangzhou Ruiwo Technology, Fuzhou passenger Ms. Zhang and Hangzhou citizen Mr. Wu also completed the purchase of the bus ticket and the hotel check-in with a network card.

  It is reported that this is the official launch of multiple network certification pilots at the same time, while Quzhou, Hangzhou and Fuzhou have become the first pilot cities. The three cities selected pilots, government officials, hotel check-in, and ticket purchases to test the life scenes that three common people would encounter. It is expected that 4 million people will have the opportunity to experience this convenience service within one year.

  How should the network card be collected? The staff of Quzhou Office Hall said that as long as Alipay "card packs → certificates" is opened, relevant authentications such as "brushing the face" are completed according to the prompts, and if they prove to be themselves, they can have their own network certificates. When you use it, you can open the QR code and prove your identity by scanning it.


  Lost phone is not afraid, security can rest assured

  Many people are very concerned about security issues when they start the network certification. “If my mobile phone is lost, can someone else use my network card? Is there any risk of the internet card being compromised?”

  In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Alipay said that when using the network card, the user needs to pass the fingerprint or face verification first, and it can be proved that he or she can access the web authentication page. In addition, when you open the QR code, you must also re-apply for face verification. Therefore, even if the mobile phone is lost, the possibility of fraudulent use of the network card is minimal.

  In other words, even if the mobile phone is lost, someone else wants to use your network card, he must first open your Alipay through the "mobile phone password + Alipay login password", and then open the network card QR code through "fingerprint verification + face verification". It’s a total of four levels. However, the accuracy of the face recognition technology of Alipay alone reached 99.99%, and the probability of fraudulent use is extremely low.

  Huang Zhongjing, deputy party secretary and deputy director of the Quzhou Public Security Bureau, believes that “net card cannot replace physical ID card, but based on its features such as easy storage, portability, and multiple password protection, the use of network card is very safe, and it can greatly reduce the loss of credentials and the possibility of fraudulent use."

  "Internet + government affairs" upgrade, prove that "I am I" entered the new stage

  In this year's government work report, it is proposed that the "Internet + government services" will be further promoted so that more matters can be handled on the Internet. It is also necessary to go to the scene and strive to achieve "only one door" and "one run at most." The "ID Card Network Card" is a new exploration in the "Internet + policing services" area, making it possible to prove that "I am I" into the new stage.

  "This can give people a choice of diversification. Even if you forget to bring your ID card, you can use the network card to do business, and you don't need to do more errands. For companies and organizations, it also achieves simplification of certification data and improves service efficiency." Tang Feifan, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor of Quzhou City, said that in Quzhou, it is not just the service hall. Soon, the network card can be used in more places to facilitate the people.

  Zou Liang, vice president of Ant Financial Services, said that electronic documents have become an industry trend. Prior to this, many cities and Alipay have already cooperated with online e-security cards, e-residence permits, e-driver licenses, e-driver licenses, and e-business licenses. And other electronic documents. "This pilot shows that the network card is reproducible. If the user feedback is good, we are willing to work with more government agencies and partners to serve more people in the city."

來源: 中國網    | 作者:胡清林    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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