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Zhejiang Scenery:Taohua Island
發佈時間:2018-04-17 16:45:38    

Taohua Island, a scenic spot in Zhejiang Province, has the beautiful scenery of Huaguoshan Taoyuan in Tuerling Mountain. It is known as the fairyland in the world and is located in the southeastern part of the Zhoushan Archipelago in Zhejiang Province. There is a Qiandao Lake scenic area in the north and a Tuerling scenic area in the south, forming a tourist route that is the seventh largest island in the Zhoushan Islands. Taohua Island is 7.8 nautical miles north of Shenjiamen, seat of the government of Putuo District, Zhoushan City. It faces the Putuo Mountain of the “Haitian Buddhist Kingdom” and the Zhujiajian of “Haishan Yandang”. It is 12 km away from the sea in the west and separated from the sea by Ningbo City, and is adjacent to the international deep-water channel of Taohua Port in the south and close to the famous East China Sea fishing ground. The entire island has an area of 41.7 square kilometers and a total population of 11,500 people. The pharmacist “Dongxie” who is a character in Mr. Jin Yong’s masterpiece “The Eagle Shooting Heroes” and “The Legend of Condor Heroes” lived on this island.


The tourism resources on the island are rich and varied, with complete categories and high grades, sets sea, mountains, stones, reefs, rocks, caves, temples, flowers, forests, birds, military relics, historical monuments, cliffs, myths and legends in one. Natural and cultural landscapes were approved in 1993 as provincial scenic spots. The whole island is composed of six scenic spots: Tawan Sands, Anqi Peak, Dafo Rock, Taohua Harbor, Bogu Door, and Wushili Beach. There are more than 60 scenic spots such as the Dragon Peak, the East Sea Pearl, the Baique Temple, the Shengyan Temple, Hanxiu Guanyin, the Immortal Bridge, the Huang Pharmacy Room, and the Qingyin Cave. Taohua Island also attracts tourists with its unique stone. Some boulders are like lions down the hill, some are like seals and some are like fairies. The "Big Buddha’s head" rock group that stands on the top of Duizhi Mountain, such as a giant sculpture, is full of clouds and mists, and it is spectacular. Especially on the top of the mountain, there is a large stone, shaped like a Buddha's head. Its size is always the same from any angle, from as far away as one hundred miles, or from a place close to where it is.


The beauty of Taohua Island was not known to tourists in the past. The island is full of mountains, reefs and strange rocks, blue sea and golden sands, quiet rivers and creeks, flowers, densely covered hills, undulating hills, lush forests, and beautiful landscapes. The vegetation coverage rate is more than 75% and it is called "Botanical Garden of the Island". Its rich natural landscape, cultural landscape, myths and legends organically integrate into six scenic spots: Taohuayu Scenic Area, Tawan Jinsha Scenic Area, Anqi Peak Scenic Area, Dafo Rock Scenic Area, Xuanbogu Island Scenic Area and Taohua Harbor Scenic Area. Combine three tourist lines into martial arts, Buddhism, and Taoism culture. There are 12 large landscape such as Jinsha Sunrise, Anqi Clouds, Mountain Stone and Peach Blossoms, Big Buddha Sunset and other 30 major scenic spots such as Dafo Rock, Donghai Shenzhu, Xianren Bridge, and Dinghai Ancient City.(promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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