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Zhejiang Scenery: Kuocang Mountain
發佈時間:2018-04-16 16:40:25    

Kuocang Mountain is located in south-central part of Eastren Zhejiang Province, with Yandang Mountain in the south, Tiantai Township in the north, Xiandu Scenic Area in the west and east of the sea. It is located in Lishui, Qingtian, Jinyun, Xianju, Yongjia, Linhai and Huangyan counties (cities, districts). Between the Lingjiang River and the Minjiang River, the main peak is 1382.4 meters above sea level, which is one of the highest peaks in southeastern Zhejiang.


Kuocang Mountain is one of the famous mountains in Zhejiang Province. History records that when you climb on the Kuocang Mountain, you can see the sea. It looks very boundless, so it’s called Kuocang. With its broad, dangerous and wonderful show, it has attracted many visitors. Located in the southwestern part of the Linhai City, the Kuocang Scenic Spot is situated in the foothills of Kuocang Mountain and Yong’an River. The climate is pleasant and the scenery is beautiful. The Mountains are high and rivers are long. The country’s fourth-largest wind farm has been built on the mountain, and the fans that rotates at a high or low altitude are in harmony with the beautiful natural landscape , which constitutes a beautiful scenery. More than 30 sets of wind turbines whirl around in the cold wind, like the colorful dragonflies flying over the water. They want to go up to the blue sky, and the cloud is steaming and shining, which is spectacular. Jiutaigou, the main peak in the north, is unique in natural scenery and has the reputation of “Little Jiuzhaigou”. Under the hill, the ancient houses of ancient streets still have ancient charms. On both sides of Yong’an Creek, scenery is too beautiful to be absorbed at once.

There are two attracting points in Kuocang Mountain. One is the winter fog pine, the other is a wind farm consisting of 33 windmills. What’s more, the peaks of the main peak are sieved by the sea. You can overlook the other mountains and hills on the rolling peaks. In May and June, the fog of Kuocang Mountain made people feel as if they were floating in a fairyland with relaxed and happiness. The whole mountain overflow red and green scenery. Gorgeous and dazzling scenery have always been in sight, or sometimes hidden in the sea of clouds. The boundless sea of clouds, with the peaks of the mountains are just like islands, which floating is looming and changing.


Another characteristic of Kuocang Mountain is that it is wet and foggy. The former poets boasted that Lushan Mountain was cloudy clouds and there are quatrains which said, “You cannot know the shape of a moutain when you stand on it.” In fact, the fog day in Kuocang Mountain is more than 91 days compared to Lushan Mountain, and the average annual fog day was 286.33 days, with a maximum of 307 days in one year. However, fog in Kuocang Mountain appears mostly after sunrise or in the afternoon. Therefore, after watching the sunrise, it is also possible to see the sea of fog rising up into the clouds, and then the viewer can also personally visit the fairyland to taste the taste of a cloud.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:胡燕敏    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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