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Zhejiang Scenery: Budai Mountain
發佈時間:2018-04-14 13:56:51    

Budaishan Scenic Area is mainly composed of three scenic spots: Mi’le Valley Scenic Area, Ancient Village Scenic Area and Budai River Drifting Area. It is located on the branch line of Cangshan Mountain and is only 40 kilometers away from the Huangyan City of Orange Town. It is adjacent to Linhai City in the north, Xianju County in the west and Changtan Reservoir, the third largest reservoir in the south. The village of Budaikeng is only 510 meters above sea level. The average annual temperature is between 14°C and 15°C (the average temperature in January is 4.8°C, and the average temperature in July is 26.3°C). The climate is pleasant.


The unique geological conditions in the scenic spot have resulted in Danya Xuanyan, Zhandao Diaoqiao, Tingtai Shuixie, Shancang Tanbi, Quanqing Lincui, Laoteng Kushu, Maolin Qishu, Qihua Yaocao, Pubu Feixie, Quanlin Dingdong. The scenery is very beautiful. In the kilograms of Budai pits, there are many rocks: there are huge rocks like lions, hard rocks like the old monk listening to the sound of spring, like Maitreya welcoming guests, and there are also two stone relative“Dragon Gate”. The waterfalls are all over: there are more than 10 large and small waterfalls, including waterfalls which run down. There is also a three-fold waterfall, and there are also wonderful sights such as “Shuanglong Waterfall”. There are mountains and rocks, there are waterfalls, there are bamboo and forest, there are pavilions, there are bridges ...with the characteristics of China's Jiangnan landscape garden.


Budaikeng Village enjoys a good ecological environment. The weather is humid throughout the year and the temperature is suitable. The forest coverage rate is as high as 98%. The species are abundant, and exotic flowers and plants are widely distributed. There are thousands of years worth of yew, rare bamboo species “golden inlaid jasper” and so on, all of which constitute the beautiful elements of the charm of ancient villages, and become a good place for urban people to stay away from embarrassment and return to nature. Budaikeng Village or Huangyan has preserved the most complete ancient villages so far, such as flowing water, ancient bridges, stone walls of huts, Green trees and other bamboo trees, which form a picture of harmony between people and nature. The staggered mountain trails, the moss-covered stone steps, the mottled stone walls, and the clear and gentle streams have become the best materials created by painters and photographers. In 2010, Budaikeng Village was named the photography base and the sketch base of artists of Taizhou City.(promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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