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Zhejiang Scenery: Yongchangbao
發佈時間:2018-04-13 14:56:21    

Yongchangbao, Ming Castle, commonly known as the new city. Built in 1558 (Ming Jiajing thirty-seven year), it is now located in Yongzhong Street, Longwan District, Wenzhou City. In the Ming Dynasty, the coastal areas of Wenzhou were subject to rampant encroachment. Yongqiang’s leader Wang Pei and Wang De sacrificed. Afterwards, Wang Pei's niece Wang Shuguo and his brother Shugao started building this castle for resistance. The castle is rectangular, 778 meters long from north to south, 445 meters wide from east to west. Its walls are 8 meters high, base width is 3.9 meters, and perimeter is 2688 meters, with 13 enemy towers. It was built with stone in the outside and soil inside. The outer city is surrounded by moats, and there are two canals in the city. Residents live in the two banks of the canal and they look very orderly. The wall is partially fragmented. In 1982, the city walls and towers on both sides of the North and South City Gates were restored. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit.


The magnificent walls of Yongchangbao can't be fully explained. It is 778 meters long from north to south, 445 meters long from east to west, 8 meters high, and 3.9 meters wide with a perimeter of 2688 meters. There are 908 battlements in the city, 13 enemy towers, which have a strong defense function. The overall layout of the castle is reasonable, with four city gates and four water gates. Surrounded by moats, the city has two rivers running from north to south. The up river is 13 meters wide and the down river is 8 meters wide. There are various types of bridges on the river for convenience, including the Huixiu Bridge, the frog-type Lianfang Bridge, and the straight-through-type Jingtou Bridge, etc.. The banks are built by square granite rocks to facilitate water and land transportation, irrigation and scrubbing. The original 100 acres of paddy fields in the fort can be produced to self-rescue in times of crisis, so that they are not afraid of long-term difficulties and to promote military and civilian security. It can be easily seen that the projection was well-planned and far-reaching.


Yongchangbao has many ancient dwellings, ancestral temples, and ancient bridges, such as the Dutangdi, the Zhuangyuan(champion)fudi, the Sacred Door Lane, the Shidafu Hall, the Buzhengsi Hall, the Qingshimen Stage, the Garden Old well, the Dongqiaodi No.40, the Censor Lane No.12, Dapai ancestral temple , Louxiapai ancestral temple, Zhuangyuanli No.6, etc.. All relic sites have high historical and cultural values.

Yongchangbao is not only a majestic building with a reasonable layout, but also has a strong atmosphere of study and a large number of talented people. It has survived for hundreds of years. There were 900 people passing the imperial exams at different levels and publishing over 150 books. It was a cultural center in Wenzhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Now, Yongchangbao is a national key cultural relics protection unit, a national defense education base of Zhejiang Province, a patriotism education base of Zhejiang Province, a “gorgeous pearl of Culture in the East China Sea” of Zhejiang Province, a ideological and moral construction site for adolescence in Wenzhou City, and a publicity base in Longwan District. Yongchangbao’s patriotic education is now using the Yongchang Museum, city walls, and city towers as carriers to promote the spirit of patriotism to the guests. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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