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Hangzhou Customs returned more than 460 tons of “foreign garbage” from the United States
發佈時間:2018-04-12 16:23:46    

Recently, Hangzhou Customs seized a batch of “foreign garbage”. This batch of waste paper imported from the United States has exceeded general inclusions, and it has been identified as solid wastes that is banned from imports, having a total number of 469 tons.


Customs officers check the waste paper inside the container

"Foreign garbage" once became the key word in the Sino-U.S. trade friction. U.S. officials expressed concerns at the WTO on March 23 that China stopped receiving foreign waste, and requested China to stop implementing relevant measures. Since then, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying also criticized the U.S. side’s statement on March 26th, which was “hypocrisy”. The so-called concern “was unreasonable, and had no basis in law”, and she pointed out that the reform of the solid waste import management system is a major measure for the Chinese government to implement the new development concept, focus on improving the quality of the ecological environment, and ensure the national ecological security and the people's health.

According to reports, a total of 40 TEUs have been imported from the United States. When inspections were conducted by customs officers, they discovered that there was a large amount of scrap metal, waste beverage bottles, etc., which were suspected to be “foreign garbage”. Afterwards, the appraisal results confirmed the customs officer's judgment that the content of general inclusions, such as waste plastics, in this batch of waste paper reached 5.28%, which exceeded the relevant regulations of China and was a solid waste prohibited from import. At present, the Customs has ordered and supervised the enterprises to return this batch of waste paper as soon as possible.

Since March of this year, Hangzhou Customs has launched a “Blue Sky 2018” special campaign under the unified deployment of the General Administration of Customs to strictly seal off the various channels for smuggling “foreign garbage”. During the special campaign, they will focus on 3 aspects: cracking down on the wastes listed in the Catalogue of Prohibited Imports of Solid Wastes, such as various hazardous solid wastes and liquid wastes like waste oil; on the 24 types of prohibited solid wastes, such as slag, ash and residues, abandoned electromechanical products, waste rubber, old leather, old clothing and newly adjustments included in “the Catalogue of Prohibited Imports of Solid Wastes”; on the limited importing solid wastes that can be used as raw materials under the use of other people's licenses to smuggle.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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