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Zhejiang Scenery: Songyan Mountain
發佈時間:2018-04-12 16:20:07    

Also named as Song(嵩)yan Mountain, Song(松)yan Mountain is located in the back Songyan Village, Jiaokeng Township, 7.5 kilometers west of Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. The scenic spots on the mountain consist of Lianjianping, ShidaRen Peak, Daishi Temple, and Shifeng Cave. Passing through winding road to the Ladder, the two peaks are surprisingly high and are famous for the cliffy. The steep peaks are more than 100 feet high. More than 420 steps have been built in the middle stones, which is only for one foot per step. The ancient name of the ladder is "A hundred-step Street for immortals" and "One-line sky ".


The scenic spots are mainly located at the front and rear ends of Songyan Mountain, and separately belong to Qianshan Scenic Area and Houshan Scenic Area. The Qianshan Scenic Area is mainly centered on Lianfeng Mountain and Shidaren Peak. It is surrounded by elephant trunk rock, grasshopper rock, the beauty-looking-mirror rock, the turtle rock and the Aixiang pavilion and so on; the periphery has the ancient pine cedar wood, Daishi temples and other views. The Qianshan scenic area covers an area of 120.75 hectares. The Houshan Scenic Area is centered on the back temple, north to the Fanyankeng bamboo forest, east to the former temple, covering a total area of 43 hectares. The junction between the two districts is a waterfall cascade with waterfalls and ladders, and its area is 4,075 hectares. Three independent scenic spots form a complete scenic spot of Songyan Mountain with a total area of 214.50 hectares. The main attractions of Songyan Mountain are the four wonders of Songyan, namely the Ladder, Yunpian Waterfall, Lianjianping and Shidairen Peak. Among them, the ladder is narrow and risky, and the waterfall is lingering, soft, and attractive. The Lianjianping Mountain is dangerous with an altitude of 330 meters above sea level. The Shidaren Peak is majestic and powerful. These wonders makes Songyan Mountain attractive.


The top of the mountain is flat and vast. In Yuan Dynasty, a monk named Qiujiang built the Falun Temple (the former temple) in 1315. In 1930, the temple was rebuilt by a famous monk called Dixian. It has stone bridge and fish pond, which is beautiful and quiet. Clear river and orange forest are seen very clearly. The two hundred-year-old sisters started being a monk here. South of the hill has the "Chaoxi First Mountain" and "Tianfeng Scenery" stone carvings of the Qing Dynasty, and 30 meters below the southeastern cliff has the stone carvings too. Surrounded by a group of mountains and cliffs, the towering cliffs shuffled and are in different poses when be saw in different places. They are both called Taizhou wonders with Wenling Shifuren Peak. The Daishi Temple at the foot of the mountain was built in the Southern Song Dynasty (420-422 years) and was rebuilt in the Eighth Year of Tongzhi (1869) in the Qing Dynasty. The main hall is carved and beamed. Shifeng Cave, located on the mountainside of the Daishi Mountain, 6 stone pillars lift up the rocks on top. Surrounded by peaks, the trees are lush. Songyan Mountain is known as "the little Yandang Mountain in Orange Township." (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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