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Zhejiang Scenery:Gouqi Island
發佈時間:2018-04-09 15:42:19    

  Gouqi Island is known as the "Little Greece" of the East. Located in the eastern part of Shengsi Island, Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province, with a land area of 5.92 square kilometers, it is the second largest island in the archipelago after the Sijiao. The island is relatively close to Zhoushan and Shanghai. The eastern end of the island has a sandy beach, cliffs on the east side, and Xiao Xitian, uninhabited villages, wonders and monuments of mountains and seas, Mazu Temple, Tiger Stones, Jiaolong Chushui, Daosha Monument and other attractions.


  In fact, there were people inhabited in the Jin Dynasty, and the name of the island was changed several times. The name is now called "Gouqi". Gain got its name from the shrubs and bushes on the island in the early years. Nowadays, any island can be dug. The corners of the small plains and facing the sea, that is, the sites that originally belonged to shrubs were all occupied by humans, and all were "planted" on houses. The word "plant" was used mainly because the houses all looked like they were set on a cliff. They were layered and were called by the photographers "the Potala Palace on the sea", but each house was fairly spacious and bright. In the rest of the house, the rest of the mountains are virgin green, and the island's forest coverage rate reaches 53%, so every family is basically facing the sea and enjoying spring flowers.

  The Wonder of the Mountain and Sea is located in the southern part of Gouqi Island. Wulibei (Lixi Gangdun) peaks, there is a majestic cliff stands proudly, dozens of miles away can also be seen, 9 meters high, 7.3 meters wide, sit west to east. The eastern wall is engraved with four giant characters of "Shan Hai Qi Guan". Each word is 1.6 meters high and 1.3 meters wide. It is written in two lines and is written for the 18th year of Ming Wanli (1590), the Governor of Zhezhi, commanded Gao Duxun to this issue. There is a natural stone bench under the stone tablet, which can be used by visitors to squat. There is a flat rock on the front for visitors to take a photo. The surrounding pine forest is lush and the environment is quiet. On the top of the monument, the mountains, reefs, beaches, clouds, sky and sea provide a panoramic view.


  Xiao Xitian is located on the west side of the Xiaoxitian Peak in Gouqi Island. It is 119.3 meters above sea level and is the highest point of Gouqi Island. “Xiao Xitian” is evergreen and is the best place for hiking to see the sea, watching the sun, and listening to the sound of the waves: As the sun sets, the fishing boats moored on the sparkling sea are very beautiful. If there is a strong wind crossing, the sea suddenly swings, the waves struck the sea, the rocks piled snow. Listening to the sound of the sea and the pines and watching the sky covered by the clouds was like the battlefield where the golden drums mingled and the horses galloped.

  Dawang Beach is the largest beach in Gouqi Island. It is located in Dawang Village in Gouqi Island. The beach is about 200 meters long and about 20 meters wide. The sand of the beach is delicate, the sky is biue, the cloud is white and the blue-green sea wave after wave. It is one of the must-visit sights for summer tourists to swim.(promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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