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Zhejiang Scenery: Gaomu Mountain
發佈時間:2018-04-08 15:53:41    

The Gaomu Mountain, a provincial tourism zone, is located in Gao'er Township, Pan'an County, Zhejiang Province, adjacent to Xianju National Key Scenic Area, Lingjiangyuan Rafting, and Lingjiangyuan Forest Park. The scenic area concludes the largest beaded alpine lakes which has the highest altitude in China's southeast and the most reputable and beautiful alpine meadows. There is also a rare mountain fault lake landscape. Its main body is composed of the Gaomu Mountain, the second peak of the Dapan Mountain range, and the surrounding alpine lakes.


There are many mountains and rivers here, with high mountains, fresh air, dense vegetation and bamboo, and clarity water. The two groups of alpine lakes have different modalities. The deep valleys, waterfalls, and vast alpine meadows make the area has both southern beauty and northwestern scenery. Juzhen Palace, Three-layer Rock, Bridge Bedrock, and General Cave have added rich cultural connotations to the tourist area. On August 2, 2002, Gaomu Mountain Scenic Spot became the first provincial-level eco-tourism area in Zhejiang Province. Staying in the mountains, you can play in the water, listen to the sound of bamboo, eat wild food and fresh fruits. You can also avoid the hot summer, see the sea of clouds, and watch the sunrise in the mountains.

The Tiannv Lake Group has a large area of alpine grass slopes and meadows in the two south-north mountain ranges on the south side of the Shuibo Ling. Here, from the north to the south, orderly lines up seven lakes: Liulan Lake, Qiuluo Lake, Lianrui Lake, Yuhe Lake, Xiangguo Lake, Ziyin Lake, Zuidie Lake, with different modalities and clear water. Spring and summer are lively, while autumn and winter have gold beach and green water, which is a very rare natural landscape.


Gaomu Mountain-Dahu Mountain Area is located in the northern part of the tourist area. It is the most concentrated block of attractions and functions in the Gaomu Mountain eco-tourism area, with 30 scenic spots of various sizes. The southern part of the tourist area is Gaomu Mountain, which is 1220.3 meters above sea level, the highest peak of this tourist area. Its southern peak (Nanfeng) is 1190.2 meters above sea level, which is the second highest peak of the tourist area. On the top of the mountains, it's sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy like the clouds sea, sometimes just a little cloudy. It is the best place to view the sunrise, the sea of clouds, the peaks and the villages. Around the mountain peaks, there are many azaleas and crataegus. During the spring, the cuckoo is full of mountains with red color. The snow and fog in winter are very spectacular, either. On the southern slope of the mountain peaks, the Diaochuan rock, tiger rocks, bridge baserocks, and stone lock chains are unique and legendary. There is a north-south-east fault zone between the eastern side of Gaomu Mountain and Dahu mountain Village, and there are many stones exposed in the fault zone, forming a series of chained mountain lakes. The lake consists of seven lakes, which resemble an inverted Beidou, and the north is the larger Yaoguang Lake and Kaiyang Lake, forming the stalk of the lake group - the "handle". The five small lakes in the south are distributed in groups, forming the spoon - "Kui". Kaiyang Lake is like a mirror, looking from the lake to the southwest, Gaomu Mountain is reflected in the lake, seemingly easy reached. In the winter, the Yaoguang Lake, snow-capped mountains, fog, meadows, clear water, and panoramic view of northwest are seen completely. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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