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Zhejiang Scenery:Tonglu Daqishan National Forest Park
發佈時間:2018-04-05 15:23:24    

China Net Wave Information  Daqishan National Forest Park is located in Tonglu County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. On the south bank of Fuchun River, it is a comprehensive forest park that integrates the scenery of southern Yangtze River and grassland.


The total area of the park is 700 hectares, the forest coverage rate is 97%, and the highest peak is 1108 meters above sea level.There are 27 species and 18 species of wild animals and plants listed in the national first- and second-level protections respectively. There are mountains, deep valleys, thick shades, and streams. There are also the scenery of Maolin Xiuzhu and Pingchou Woye. Scenic spots include Taurus Lake, Shiyuan Valley, Daqi Waterfall and other attractions. The Tongjun Mingshu Garden and Sino-Japanese Friendship Forest are also located here. The ecological and cultural connotations are very rich.

Daqi Mountain is also known as "Saiji Mountain" and is known as "the most famous mountain of Jiangnan." There are mountains, rocks, canyons, and waterfalls in the territory. They are known for their strengths, dangers, oddness, beautiful and glory.


At the foot of Daqi Mountain, there is a pond, which is known as “Taurus Lake”. It is said that this is the pool where Taurus bathed. Taurus practiced into a fairy, can be able to eat grass and pull out gold. After stealing the elixir of the Daqi Guanjian, the Guanjian empress blamed it to farm for the people during the day and excavate the Fuchun River at night to dredge the river. This is the origin of the story “Taurus driving out the Fuchun River”. The villagers thanked Taurus for eating grass and producing gold, dug the river for the Taurus God, and called the area along the Daqi Mountain as Taurus Township.(Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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