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Zhejiang Scenery:Pan’an Huaxi
發佈時間:2018-04-03 11:10:11    

Huaxi Scenic Area, 8 kilometers away from Pan’an County and 27 kilometers from Hengdian Movie and Television City, is located at the National Nature Reserve, the top of the Dapan Mountain. There are elegant farmhouse hotels in the scenic area. Wild foods and special meals are often provided. The scenic tourist highways are connected to the provincial highway Dongxian highway and the soon-to-be-built Zhuyong high-speed highway. The transportation is convenient. The forests on the two sides of Huaxi are verdant, with different peaks and rocks. The landscape you see will change,if you go to the different place. Looking back to the Huaxi River, you can admire the wonders of the bridge, the village smoke, Jinsi Pond, the steam which is 1,000 meters long, Huaxi Yousheng, shuangpu zhengtan, Shisun Rock and Zi Teng Wang. Through the forests and the Dapan Mountain, you can explore the ancient temples, volcanic lakes, and the four rivers hidden in the trees.


Take a ride from the top of the Longtouyan Reservoir dam into the scenic area, up to 3,000 meters above sea level in the three volcanic lakes. Along the edge of the river, the road and the river turn around the mountain between the cliffs and valleys, and the plum waterfall flows straight through the Yushu Bridge. Through the unfathomable Jinsi Pond, the ancient temple of the Dragon King, you will enter into thethe steam which is 1,000 meters longin the area of the Tianlibi village. The smooth and flat stone river bedwhich is about 10 to 15 meters wide, was formed when a volcanic eruption occurred 100 million years ago. Insummer, tourists like to walk in the shallow stream or drift in the river. At the end of the flat river is the tea dock field. Looking up at Shisun Rock , there are many horizontal holes and peaks. Through the attractions of Hongye Manshan and Yilu Qingxiang, you will arrive at Lishuwukou Village. Between the walls, waterfalls and steams, there is a piece of ancient forest. Here you can see the main peak of Dapan Mountain, and you can enter the Xingzhuwu Bamboo Forest in the west.


The Scenery of Huaxi’s beauty is in Nature,just look at the flat river will be amazing. The total length of the flat river is more than 3,000 meters, and the exposed part is 1080 meters. The whole river is flat and smooth, and there is no sand, and the river can be skating and cycling. The plateau stream is turbulent and crystal clear. People can walk barefoot on the flat creek. The riverbed caresses the soles of the feet and the fishes shuttle between the toes. This is undoubtedly a beautiful natural foot bath! Such as in the summer, involving flat-panel streams, play streams is wonderful. It's no wonder that Mi Fu had to say: “The scenery here is rare in the world.”And he titled "Tian Xia Yi Jue" the four characters.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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