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More than 100 strains! A hundred years of wild Crape Myrtle forest discovered in Chun'an county
發佈時間:2018-04-02 17:11:47    

This seems to be still a secret. Although the discovery has been more than a year away, it is limited to a few key people.

This seems to be a difficult mystery - why are they here? How many strains are there? The maximum meters of the tree? The oldest tree's number of years?

They are the crape myrtle trees, a kind of trees that grow very slowly. It is called one of the “eighteen bachelors” of the pile view (with stumps as the scene) and has a very high ornamental value. This kind of tree is rare in Zhejiang. And it is rare that there are many forests appearing in the form of "life stars."


However, in the valley where the trees are located in Chun'an, there are about 30 clover crape myrtle trees. The number of plants in each tussock tree is varied, ranging from one plant to eight or nine plants - an average of 3 plants per cluster. There were about 100 plants of crape myrtle trees, and most of the crape myrtle trees exceeded the  base trunk area of 2.5 meters.

According to the villagers, the trees are always growing on the top of the mountain. No one knows when they are there. No one knows how old these trees are.

In Chun'an Ziyun Peak

There are hundreds of "millennium tickling trees"


"Look at crape myrtle tree? That can be hardly climbed. It's timely okay now. You can make a round trip to catch the lunch back if you are fast."

The villager A Fang was already in the tea field at 7:30 in the morning. At this time, good tea can be sold 70 yuan per pound. She said that she lived in the village for several decades and she only visited there once. "Very high, it costs an hour to walk.", she said.

Most of the villagers in this village know that there is a tree with smooth skin and summer blossoms, but only call it with nickname, never knowing the name of "Lagerstroemia(crape myrtle)."

Until 2016, Lang Xueheng, a staff of the township forestry station, discovered the secret. He has dealt with trees for more than 20 years and has been living with the woods almost every day. In the autumn of this year, he heard a place called Ziyun Peak where was blooming and he wanted to see it.

Climbing from the foot of the hill, Lang Xueheng spent more than 50 minutes. Afterwards, he saw the first clump of crape myrtle: the flowers of a tree are lumpy, about three or four stories high, and the thicker hug...then look closer, according to the flower shape, the form of leaves,the skin color, he recognized that it was a cluster of crape myrtle.

After that, he saw the second cluster, the third cluster, and even more. "It can only be called 'cluster' instead of 'strain' because there are a lot of plants of crape myrtle trees in each cluster." Lang Xueheng walked as carefully as possible several times, taking the valley as the central axis, there are about 30 clusters, 100 crape myrtle trees on both sides of the mountain slopes.

This scene made Lang Xueheng very shocked. He knew that the crape myrtle tree was different from the pine wood and cedar wood. It was rare, especially when it was so large and so many. Lang Xueheng said that it was difficult to determine how many years these crape myrtle had been growing. If only judging from the trunk, he thinks that some crape myrtle may be hundreds of years old or even older.

The villagers' argument seems to confirm the judgment of Lang Xueheng that almost no one in the Dakengwu village, the nearest village, can tell where these trees came from. There is only one sentence: “They were there when the older generation was living in.” “The people in the village called ‘Millennium Tickling Tree’. When it is scratched, it will move.”

Hope to find

The balanced point of protection and viewing


Before Lang Xueheng discovered these crape myrtle trees, in fact, there were people who had deeply "researched" them. They just walked away from the rural "flower guest."

"Before 7 or 8 years ago, some people had hired a dozen people to go uphill. They were thinking that they would cut the crape myrtle above the ground and then dig up the roots to make miniascapes. It is said that the roots of large trees would cost tens of thousands of yuan." The villagers in Dawucun village felt very proud when talked about that prevention a few years ago. They always felt that digging several orchis could make it too, but it was impossible to dig away a thousand years of tickling trees.

Lang Xueheng also knows about another thing that the crape myrtle tree is stared at. As a result, when he discovered crape myrtle forests in Ziyun peak, he immediately reported to the county forestry departments. "At that time, a general investigation was conducted. At the same time, it was also discovered that there were many other precious plants, such as leopard skin beetle, phoebe nees, and dalbergia hupeana hance."

At the scene, the reporter discovered that this forest of crape myrtle trees was growing at an altitude of about 510 to 560 meters, mainly in the valley, and about 30 clusters (the number of plants in each cluster varies from 1 to 10). Take the mean number of three clusters counted, there are about 100 trees, and most of the trunks have a length of more than 2.5 meters.

Song Zhiqiang, director of the Forest Resources Management Section at Chun'an County Forestry Bureau, said that the location of the crape myrtle Forest is a secondary forest and it is difficult to determine the specific age of the tree. "The drilling method is generally used to determine the age of the tree after sampling. However, because it is a secondary forest, it is difficult to judge.”

The preliminary judgment is that the larger trees in this forest may reach several hundred years, and the specific age of the trees will be determined by the local professional department. But there is a data that can be used as a reference: In general, the crape myrtle in the wild can increase its diameter by 1 cm a year.

From the discovery of this forest to the present, the existence of the crape myrtle forest is rarely known to outsiders. "On the one hand, we are worrying about too much interference. On the other hand, we must also consider the safety of the climbers." The person in charge of the relevant department of Chun'an County said that they still hope to find a balanced point for protection and viewing.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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