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Zhejiang Scenery: Nanxun Wenyuan
發佈時間:2018-04-01 16:11:04    

China Net Wave Information   Nanxun Wenyuan is located in Nanxun Scenic Area, surrounded by rivers, with lakes in the middle, and on the north near the street of Jiangnan Water Village. It is also close to the famous attractions such as Xiaolianzhuang and Jiayetang Library. The surroundings are elegant and the scenery is beautiful.

Nanxun Wenyuan is a modern garden that integrates Jiangnan gardens with ancient architecture and leisure functions.The built-in "Three Pavilions and One Corridor": General Zhang Aiping's inscription on the Red Army's Long March Memorial Hall, Wu Bangguo's inscription on the Wu Shou Gu Museum of Art, Mr. Huang Miaozi's inscription on the Xu Chi Memorial Hall, to display the eighteen heroes of Nanxun celebrity promenade.

The park also houses a farmyard that reproduces the traditional agriculture and folk customs of the modern Jiangnan Water Town, a children's paradise centered on the small Tiananmen Square, a large stump bonsai garden, and a celebrity poetry gallery.


Wenyuan’s entire building is divided into two parts: the south and the north, connected by sky bridges. The south garden is mainly composed of Jiangnan gardens. There are children's playgrounds, large tree stumps and bonsai gardens, and celebrity poetry gallery and so on. The North Park is centered on Huxin Wenchang Pavilion and there are the poetry gallery, the Red Army Long March Memorial Hall, the Wushou Valley Museum of Art, the Xu Chi Memorial Hall, the Ming Dynasty Shishi and other attractions around it.

Nanxun Celebrity Promenade, with a length of 86 meters, leaning against the wall and closing the water, whose transition is a kiosk and the famous inscriptions are on it. It is an important cultural landscape in Nanxun which has the reputation of "the Pearl of Taihu Lake". Since the establishment of the town in Southern Song Dynasty, Ji Li Hu silk was famous at home and abroad, attracting merchants came to Nanxun.It’s unprecedented prosperity. The "four elephants, eight cows, and seventy-two dogs" wealthy business class emerged and its prosperity was at least in the Qing Dynasty and at least in Huzhou. "The entire city of Huzhou, less than half the town of Nanxun," is a slang term for the city. It has fully contrasted the newly developed Nanxun Town with the traditional ancient Huzhou City Administration Center.Therefore, historians believe that Nanxun, at least in the Qing Dynasty, was the richest town in the county's administrative units. A solid economic foundation has laid a prosperous culture. For hundreds of years, Nanxun has produced a large number of celebrities in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, and there are as many outstanding people in a town as it is. Weizheng of Tang Dynasty said: "Take humans as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses." Only 60 well-known figures were selected to be displayed on the promenade. The purpose was to make the former magnanimous and the latter to be enlightened, so that the style of advocating literacy and education in Nanxun could be handed down from generation to generation to revitalize the new chapter of Chinese reproduction.(promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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