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Zhejiang Scenery: YuYuan Tai chi Star Village
發佈時間:2018-03-27 17:38:06    

  Yuyuan Tai chi star Village is located in the southwestern part of Wuyi County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, and is 20 kilometers away from the county. It was designed and constructed by one of the Ming Dynasty founder Liu Bowen who arranged it by celestial stars.

  Yuyuan Tai chi star Village has a singular layout and is full of magic. According to research, the desiner Liu Bo Wen was according to the "Zodiac signs and twenty-eight constellations" to arrange and design. There is a giant Tai Chi map with a diameter of 320 meters, an area of 120 acres in the front village. The village's main twenty eight ancient buildings are arranged according to the constellations in the sky. There are “Seven Star Ponds” and “Seven Star Wells” in the villages for fire prevention and the suppressant of evil spirits, reflecting the ideal state in which man and nature live in harmony with each other.

  Overlooking on the Mengshan mountain back the village, a stream flows from the southeast of the village then in the east-west direction to crosse the village. Till the west of the village, it is folded back to be in the northern direction to the village entrance. The "S" shape stream flows to the fields outside the village eventually. The "S"-shaped stream and the surrounding mountains outline a large Tai Chi map at the entrance of the village. The "S" stream is exactly the boundary of yin and yang, dividing the field into "Two complementary forces of Tai chi." In the south of the stream is "Yin yu(fish)", ancient trees are like towering, the road through the "fish eye"; in the north is "yang yu", cultivating the golden rice, the "fisheye" is planted with dry land crops. Instrumentally, this tai chi map has a diameter of 320 meters and an area of 8 hectares. It is said that the Tai chi map is placed on the north exit of the village, which can firstly block the cold air from the north and “evil gas”, and secondly is like an “air dam” to prevent the village's good luck from being vented.

  Yuyuan Village is rich in cultural heritage. There are 1027 ancient buildings constructed in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Wood carvings, brick carvings, and stone carvings in ancient buildings are intriguing. The close integration of cultural landscapes and natural landscapes is a classic relic of the ancient ecology of “Heaven and Man are one”. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:俞霄    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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