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Zhejiang scenery:Danshan Chishui
發佈時間:2018-03-23 21:12:34    

Danshan Chishui Scenic Area is located in Shilin Village,Dagu Town,Yuyao County,Ningbo City and is 45 kilometers far from Yuyao City.The area of the scenic spot is 6.05 square kilometers,which is the first scenic spot in Yuyao City.

The scenic spot is located in the hinterland of Mount Siming and has a pleasant climate.It is a scenic spot with Taoist culture,ancient Zhejiang village style as cultural connotation,cliffs,strange rock,ancient Bridge,stream Creek,and Waterfall as the basis.Taoist respected it as the ninth heaven.

The scenic spot is composed of “Danshan Eight Scenes”and more than 30 other scenic spots. “Danshan Eight Scenes”is consisted of Danshan Chishui,Yingyan Dongtian,Shiwang Wudao,Danpu Feishui,Bagua Xiantai,Xianren Zhilu,Qiushui Changtan,Siming Taoist Temple.The area is surrounded by mountains,towering old trees,bamboo trees,and streams.It is an excellent eco-tourism place for people to enjoy the natural scenery,bathing history and culture,taste the mountain scenery,have a relaxing vacation.

The persimmon village,where the scenic spot is located,surrounded by mountains,full of palm trees,full of bird’s twitter and fragrance of flowers.The persimmon village not only has the beautiful scenery, but also is primitive and simple,the original appearance of the hill stays intact.The village has only one surname,that is Shen.According to the genealogical records,the first ancestor of Shen was the tenth son of Zhou Wenwang.He Sealed in the place called Shen,so his surname is Shen.His descendants came here to live in seclusion.There is also an ancient well in the village. The well water is pure and clear.In winter,the water is warm and in summer is cool.It is the source of drinking water for the whole village.Therefore,there is a saying that“one village,one surname and one family,one village drink one ancient well.”

On the top of a cliff which is on the edge of Perak Village, there are two rocks stacked high.Below is a rectangular stone pillar whose top is a square stone,slightly sloping and crumbling,the locals call it "building rock".Legend has it that Lv Dongbin traveled to Dalan and saw the people carrying the burden.It is very hard to climb over the mountains,so he moved a sly heart and wanted to built a bridge between the two hills.He Just moved two huge stones for the bridge base, but was recalled by Jade Emperor.The bridge did not cause, leaving only the two rocks, because it was made by a fairy, so it is also called "Fairy Rock." Looking from afar, it is just as if a fairy standing on the top of the hill, looking east to the sea.

There is also a place in the legend associated with Lv Dongbin.In the middle of the western cliff of Perak Village,there is a prominent rock, which has a large root and a pointed head.It is like a giant eagle's pointed beak and there is a cave under the tip of the beak.It looks like the big eagle's open mouth,and the local people call it the eagle hole.It is said that the heavenly eagle is not tolerant to the celestial palace.Once, Queen Mother Empress set up a peach club.The gods were busy and couldn't attend.They sneaked out of heaven and go to the human world to play.One of gods came here,saw the beautiful scenery,can not help but open mouth cheering.However,his excessive force causes the chin to dislocate and cannot be reset.As time goes on,this formed a cave.Later, Lv Dongbin came here to stay in the cave and saved a mountain dweller with the spring in the hole.The incident spread,local villagers all believed that Buddhas were in the cave,They burn incense and worship,and one after another into the hole to take water,as a cure for the disease.

The magic of Danshan Chishui is also due to the small holes in the rock wall.These holes can blow out the breeze which is cool in summer and warm in winter.Not only in the scenic area,but also in the village farmhouse,there is such a strange situation.(Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂佳慧    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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