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Wang Wenxu, Vice Governor of Zhejiang Province, Meets with Foreign Academician Team
發佈時間:2018-03-23 17:07:34    

  On the morning of March 22, Wang Wenxu, vice governor of Zhejiang Province, met Tokozani Majoutsi in Hangzhou,the president of the South African Institute of Science and Industry, who was invited to develop talents and scientific and technological cooperation.

  Wang Wenxu pointed out that Zhejiang was the place where General Secretary Xi Jinping once worked and lasted for five years. It was the pioneer of reform and opening up and the important beginnin of the thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era of Xi Jinping. At present, Zhejiang is following the guidelines outlined by the General Secretary and in accordance with the new development concept, fully implement the major deployments such as supply-side reform, industrial transformation and upgrading, and ecological civilization construction, and comprehensively improve the government's governance system and governance capacity. Among them, talents is the key factor.

  In recent years, Zhejiang has made great efforts to attract foreign experts. Party committees and governments at all levels have issued a series of preferential policies and measures. Now, there are more than 50,000 foreign experts working in Zhejiang each year. Over the past five years, Zhejiang has introduced various types of foreign experts With a total number of more than 200,000. And the experts are of a higher and higher level of work. The duration of work is getting longer and longer. What' more, experts have begun to be introduced from a single introduction to a team-based, platform-based approach. The number of foreign experts who have been selected as “the Recruitment Program of Global Experts” in Zhejiang for five consecutive years Ranked first in the country, and ranking first in the country for total enrollment. These high-end foreign experts are highly admired for their academic accomplishments and professional standards. They play an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of innovation in Zhejiang, and they also play an important role in promoting exchanges and cooperation between Zhejiang and other countries.

  Wang Wenxu said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. In the next step in building the "two high standards", Zhejiang will continue to vigorously implement the internationalization strategy for talents, and will use a more active, open, and effective talent policy to "combine talents all over the world to use them."

  It is reported that the team of foreign academicians invited to Zhejiang mainly came from South Africa and the United Kingdom. During the period in Zhejiang, they will dock scientific research projects with Hangzhou, Huzhou, and Taizhou, and prepare for the establishment of the South Africa Science and Technology Innovation Center in Zhejiang and the Transfer Center of British Universities Alliance Technology. The center constructions and other issues are discussed in depth.

  In addition, the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Foreign Experts and the South African Institute of Science and Industry have signed a letter of intent for cooperation. The two parties are committed to jointly building a Chinese-South talents and project cooperation and exchange platform in Zhejiang. Through organizing various forum discussions, expert exchange projects, and corporate exchanges and cooperation, professional ability training, etc. they hope to promote cooperation between the two sides.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:呂金津 俞霄    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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