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Zhejiang scenery: Panan Baizhang Lake
發佈時間:2018-03-21 15:03:35    

  Baizhang Tan Scenic area is the first batch of "ecotourism areas" in Zhejiang Province. It is located in the upper reaches of Longxi at the southern end of Panan County, 30 kilometers from the Panan County. The scenic spot is famous for its mountain danger, Shiqi, clear water, secluded holes, secluded streams. Longxi 18, stone on the four days "is the true portrayal of its landscape. The main scenic spots are the triple waterfall of the hundred poles, the temple of the Dragon Emperor, the Xianwengsubao, the 18 du, the hundred Bujun, the Xianfeng Tunnel, the cannon stone, the dripping rock, and so on. One of the hundred poles Triple waterfall is a rare ice mortar waterfall in China, which is called "the first waterfall in the south of the Yangtze River". It is located in a dangerous terrain, with three waterfalls connected up and down, and the water rumbling in the canyon and the water mist. Diffuse, stand on the back of the day, but see the rainbow across the sky, as if into the world fairyland.

  Consisting of three cascades of waterfalls, the total height of the waterfall is 72 meters. The first waterfall is 10 meters high and 2 meters wide, and the waterfall is curtain shaped, and it is released into the 100-stick pool and the meter sieve pool. The second stage waterfall is 15 meters high and 5 meters wide. The waterfall falls into the Tibetan Longtan in the form of spray. The third waterfall is 47 meters high and about 7 meters wide, and the stream flows along the steep cliff into the rain pool. The three waterfalls are connected in layers to form a unique waterfall body. The Baizhang Tam waterfall is dangerous by the cliff, the waterfall is high, the pool is deep, and the water is clear. Brook qu is famous all over the world.


  The first waterfall is 10 meters high and 2 meters wide. The waterfall is curtain shaped, and it is released into the Baizhang pool and the meter sieve pool. The second waterfall is 15 meters high and 5 meters wide. The waterfall falls into the Tibetan Longtan in the form of spray. The third waterfall is 47 meters high and about 7 meters wide, and the stream flows along the steep cliff into the rain pool. The three waterfalls are connected in layers to form a unique waterfall body. The Baizhang Tam waterfall is dangerous by the cliff, the waterfall is high, the pool is deep, and the water is clear. Xi qu is famous. The location is extremely steep, three waterfalls connected, the water roar in the valley, water mist diffuse, but see the rainbow across the sky, as if into the world fairyland. At this point in the summer, the maple leaves are red like oil paintings. Not far from the foot of the waterfall is the Longwang Temple, where visitors can rest. Since ancient times, there have been Dongyang and Jinyun. The visitors from Yongkang and other surrounding areas come to visit here, leaving a lot of inscriptions of literati, poetry and prose. (popularizing)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:王子怡    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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