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Zhejiang scenery: Baiyun Zhuang
發佈時間:2018-03-15 17:28:22    

  Baiyunzhuang is a provincial key cultural relic Protection Unit. Address in the western suburbs of Ningbo Haishu District, Zhejiang Province, bridges, water, people, scenery such as painting, ancient buildings, green brick black wall, simple and solemn, is the late Ming and early Qing famous thinkers, writers, historians, East Zhejiang School representative of Huang Zong Chong "Yong on the Witness college" lectures. Baiyunzhuang originally for the Ming and the end of the temple of the ancestral village, after the son of Wans with "Baiyun set", the world called "Mr. Baiyun", hence the name. Since the Zong Huang to Baiyun Zhuang lectures, Yong above gathered in this, Shing constantly, Sheng extremely temporary. At the end of the Qing Dynasty Academy and Baiyun village have been injure waste, 1934 Yi People Yang Yi cheng Reconstruction.

  Baiyun Zhuang construction Area of 650 square meters, the main building sitting west facing east, before and after the second, are tied to the flat brick wood. South of the former residence, "East Zhejiang School" another major figure Vance also lived here. Northwest for the tomb of Wan Bongyu and Wans, Wan Bongyu The father of Cosmos, once as the left Army du Fu 僉, Vance election fifth son, is the leader of the generation, Huang Zong himself for his epitaph. Baiyunzhuang is a symbol of Zhejiang culture and is famous for its academic location. Baiyun Village also collects "Yin Jiang farewell map" facsimile, authentic hidden in the Ningbo Museum. This painting depicts the Qing Emperor Kangxi 18 years, Vance and Beijing to repair Ming history. The performance of Vance with parting, Yong on the literati farewell to the historical scene, this painting is an important document of the Zhedong school. Each character on the scroll is famous for his surname, which is a famous cultural celebrity. What is even more rare is that now we have seen the Vance image, from this painting, this is the great historian survived the only one by one portraits. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:王子怡    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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