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Zhejiang scenery: Songzi Laifeng bridge
發佈時間:2018-03-13 11:22:52    

  Laifeng bridge is located in the east side of Xiaotong street in Xitang ancient town, Jiashan county, Zhejiang province. It was built in 1637 (Ming Chongzhen ten years), which is a three-hole stone slab bridge. It was a legend that when it was built, there was a bird flying in, and the person who built the bridge thought it was very auspicious so called it "Songzi Laifeng bridge". It was repaired in Qing Kangxi 48 years, Daoguang 15 years.


  Laifeng bridge was rebuilt in 1997, and its shape and structure is unique. It is suitable for sightseeing and is one of the new scenic spots. The bridge is 10 meters wide, with a wall of flowers in the middle, and pedestrians can walk on one side. The bridge has shed, red eaves and green tile. It is simple and novel. There are guardrails on both sides of the bridge, and there are long seats made up by square tile for visitors to relax and enjoy the scenery in the river.

  How to walk bridge to walk this bridge is also a little exquisite, the ancient people pay attention to Yin and Yang, the south is Yang and north is Yin. In ancient times, men for Yang, female for Yin. On the south side of the bridge is a ladder, and on the north side is a slope. The man walked up the steps, symbolizing the promotion. The women step small, so the family is stable. Old people say: "the newly married couple walk on the bridge, the south sends the son, the north sends the daughter."

  According to the annals of the town of Xitang, Laifeng bridge was built in the ten years (1637 AD), and it was rebuilt twice in Qing dynasty. It was a legend that when it was built, there was a bird flying in, and people thought it was very auspicious so called it "Songzi Laifeng bridge". In 1988, it was converted into a single - hole reinforced concrete arch bridge. In 1998, it was rebuilt in the form of "complex corridor" in classical gardens, there are walls and lattice windows at the middle, and both sides are channels. It is said that the newly married couple cross the bridge, and the man walks in the left, the woman walks in the right and they can get the child. The bridge is also known as "Dishui Qingyu bridge" and the harmonious name is "lovers bridge”. As far as the bridge is concerned, the conveyance of the Songzi Laifeng bridge is quite unique. Just a bridge from the conception has already had the characteristics of Jiangnan garden, one step makes a difference. In the middle of the bridge is a wall, which divides the bridge into two worlds. There is a fan window on the wall, and through the window, the real picture of the water town is seen.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:耿凱寧    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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