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Zhejiang scenery: Cangpo ancient village
發佈時間:2018-03-11 14:29:40    

Wenzhou Yongjia has a Song dynasty ancient village named Cangpo. Cangpo ancient village is located in the north mountain foot of rock head town, Nanxi river upstream, Yongjia county, south Zhejiang province. Its original name is Cangdun. The founder, Li Cen, moved from Changxi, Fujian province, to avoid the conflict. It has been more than 1,000 years since the beginning of the construction of the two years in Xiande (955). During the five years of the southern song dynasty (1178), Li Song, the emperor of the nine dynasties, invited the national master Li Shiri to reschedule, built with the “scholar’s four jewels” as the main image of the village pattern, the village covers more than 200 mu, the house more than 50, the villagers are all Li surname.

The back of Cangpo is the Bijia Mountain and it facing the Nanxi river. The building of the Cangpo is the concentration of ancient Chinese culture, and the street in the village is a gossip form, with a square ring of drum lane as the center. Eight roads to the southeast northwest, and through the eight doors of the village is the outside. The two square pools and the garden dike are built successively. At the same time, with the "scholar’s four jewels" as the planning thought to guide its layout, the building is 306 meters long and 2 meters wide, which is called "pen street", facing the Bijia Mountain in the west of the village. Use two squares as an "inkstone" and the slabs on both sides of the inkstone are 4.5 meters long, 0.5 meters thick and 0.3 meters wide. Using the stripe stone as the ink and the 3,000 mu of flat domain spread around the village as paper. The aim is to inspire future generations to read and be an official to honor their ancestors.

The village is the design of the southern Song dynasty. It has survived the vicissitudes of thousands of years. It still retains the village walls, roads, houses, pavilions, temples and ancient cypresses of the song dynasty. The cobblestone walls around the village, the old banyan trees, the pavilions under the trees and the dragons on the eaves, everywhere shows the rich ancient meaning.

The layout of the village is basically the planning and architectural style of the southern song dynasty. Its walled walls, roads, pools and ancient cypress are still in charm. Cangpo is one of the most cultivated villages in Nanxi river basin, and it still retains the specific elements of the cultivated culture. Beginning in the early 1980s, it has become a classic of Chinese ancient village tourism products with its unique ancient villages and cultural scenery.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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