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Zhejiang scenery: Wulong mountain
發佈時間:2018-03-10 22:04:31    

   Wulong mountain is located in the east of Jiande, Zhejiang Province, north of ancient town Meicheng, located in the north shore of Xin ' Anjiang, Fuchun River, Lanjiang Interchange, because of the Black Mountain, towering mountains, meandering like dragons and named. East and West Mianxuan fifty or sixty, 800 meters above sea level peaks, stretch about 7 miles , with the highest elevation 916.6 metres.

  The Oolong mountain is also known as Osan. "Water through note" Volume four "Jian Jiang Water": "Zhejiang and northeast by Jiande County South." County North has Osan. "Here said" Osan ", that refers to the Black Dragon Mountain, also known as the Wu Shan. Also known as Ren Anshan, according to the "Yanzhou map" records, "Song Xuan and early, Sen Li Jian Yan, that the dragon for June like, should be in the counties of the landscape name of the dragon to avoid." And the chaos of the Fang La, Fu-yan thief stolen, by the name of the land is not right, begging to homage in the name of a calm side. Then renamed Ren an Shan. Wu Longshan is located in the north of Yanzhou, so there are beishan. Lu you Yanzhou, "Autumn hing Two" poetry has "East Pavilion Enpa autumn gradually thin, the northern fog rain Day more faint" sentence, of which "North Mt." refers to the Black Dragon Mountain.

  Black Longshan main body into a fan, elevation of peak is 909 metres, formed in the late Yanshan movement, the acid magma condenses after the volcanic eruption. Early in the shallow sea, so the mountain on the ground when there are snails and other water biological relics appear. Because the mountain is a volcanic eruption of the fault, the relative height more than meters, almost springing up, the high riverside shore, the momentum is very majestic, become a symbol of Yanzhou.

  Yanzhou people have the saying: Meicheng people do not see the Dragon Mountain will cry. To express the strong love of the township. The most famous on the mountain is built in the Tang Dynasty Yuquan Temple, is located in the southern Shi Fu, Tang Dezong Zhen Yuan ten years, by the Pure Land Zong five Zou Shaokang master created , so far has more than 1200 years history, was destroyed by the Japanese 1942, andwas rebuilt in 1990. It backs on the black Dragon Mountain, facing the Meicheng town, the peaks stands around, the trees grow up in the sky, Mountain spring murmuring, looking at the rivers surging ,is a rare Buddhist temple Fairyland. (Promotion)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:王子怡    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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