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Crowd Funding Platform and Incubation Service Provider “Dragon Victory International” Rings NASDAQ B
發佈時間:2018-03-08 16:38:04    

  (zjnews.china.com.cn) On March 6, 2018 (Beijing Time), NASDAQ Headquarters New York, held an exclusive bell ringing ceremony for Dragon Victory International (Nasdaq: LYL), the leading crowd funding platform and incubation service provider in China. Dragon Victory International, short for “Dragon Victory International Limited”, is a company based in Zhejiang, China and was approved by NASDAQ to enter into the public capital markets on October 20, 2017, making it the first of its kind across the world to be listed on an international stock exchange.

  Video Source:https://m.youku.com/video/id_XMzQ0MTk5NTk0MA==.html?x=&sharefrom=android&sharekey=ae3f60c4bce6016561c07eb426acb9434&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0&source=&ishttps=1

  Getting Listed on NASDAQ within 2 Years, “Amazing Speed” Drawing Worldwide Attention

  Dragon Victory International was incorporated in 2015 and listed on Nasdaq (Nasdaq Capital Market) on October 20, 2017 (Nasdaq: LYL). How did the company list on a public exchange in such a short period of time? What does the performance of the company look like? At the press conference, the chairman of Dragon Victory International, Sun Jianjun told our reporter, “We created Dragon Victory International to provide services for innovation driven companies in China. Our aim is to help enterprises and projects raise funding or resources through our internet platform and then offer incubation services to them. The ultimate goal is to help them to list on stock exchanges and allow the incubated enterprise or project to enter into the capital markets.”

  “Dragon Victory International” is a company established and operated under the law of Cayman Islands. During a short period of two years, the company had achieved explosive growth for its main business on the strengths of its crowd funding platform—5etou, and the valued-added services based on supporting crowd funded start-ups. On September 15, 2017, “Dragon Victory International” announced that it had finished its first IPO and raised a total of USD 8,528,363 (including underwriter discount and commission) by issuing 1,421,394 shares of common stock at a price of USD 6 per share. On the first day of trading at Nasdaq, the shares, which were priced at USD 6 per share, were exchanged at an opening price of USD 7.39 and a closing price of USD 13.67, indicating a growth rate of 128%. It took only two years for “Dragon Victory International” from being established to being listed on stock exchange, opening a new door for Chinese enterprises.

  Special and Unprecedented “Dragon Victory Model”

  Dragon Victory International is a crowd funding and incubation service platform facilitating transactions between entrepreneurs and investors. As Sun Jianjun, chairman and CEO of Dragon Victory International, told the media, “Dragon Victory International created a new model for crowd funding and incubation services with a scientific development outlook. As China is launching a new endeavor promoting “innovation and entrepreneurship”, Dragon Victory International has benefitted from the advantages and the opportunities arising from the process.

  Mr. Sun Jianjun, Chairman of Dragon Victory International

  “We have been operating with our own IPO criteria and objectives since our company was founded. That’s why we could march into the capital markets in an exceptionally short timeframe. The self-supported IPO proved our competence and helped us win the attention and support from the capital investors around the world, so that the investor group became ever more diverse, facilitating more start-up project incubation to develop through our platform and then contribute to more resources for Dragon Victory,” said Sun to the journalist.

  Over 50 investors from China and the USA attended the ceremony on the day. “With the vital innovative economy of China, Dragon Victory International Limited took its crowd funding platform as a stepping stone to expand the international market. What Dragon Victory International has done blazed a new trail, and broadened the investors’ horizon,” said Zhao Ke, Director of the Investment and Funding Center, China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC). Tang Hua, Dean of Fortune Times Business School, believed that such enterprises as Dragon Victory International was a good case study as “a good example is the best sermon.” The successful IPO of Dragon Victory International is the best proof of its transparency and compliance, as well as the great growth momentum of its business, and Chinese innovative enterprises should take such an enterprise as the model to make progress. “Different enterprises may not choose the same mode and means to get listed. The IPO options for Chinese enterprises are tapering off, so it is a good choice to be listed overseas,” said Tang.

  A New Start after IPO to Embrace the New Era

  After its listing, Dragon Victory International made more efforts in expanding another main business on the basis of its crowd funding incubation to provide IPO-related financial consultancy services for such enterprises that have acquired investments or realized good performance, in order to help more Chinese enterprises get listed.

  "I hope to reverse the practice of being listed simply for the sake of going public. Some enterprises disregard laws and rules: they resort to unscrupulous measures and falsify performance figures in order to list. Innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises in particular should foster the belief that integrity of the listing process comes before entrepreneurship. We will make every effort to help businesses identify the right projects and do business pragmatically," said Sun Jianjun.

  Sun Jianjun (middle), NASDAQ’s Vice President Joe Brantuk (left) and NASDAQ’s Head of Market Supervision Michael Sokoll

  At the bell-ringing ceremony, Sun Jianjun detailed some services that Dragon Victory International Limited offers to those companies attempting to list on public exchanges. "Dragon Victory will provide babysitting services for enterprises in the process of going public. We provide relevant business training for senior management of enterprises and help them with listing plans, architecture and finance; we help enterprises select and put together professional service teams to work in legal consulting, domestic and overseas laws, auditing, securities trading and investor relations, and facilitate process of listing publicly for enterprises." The main business that Sun Jianjun revealed was aligned with the "Phoenix Action Plan" proposed by Zhejiang Province, China.

  Zhejiang Province is an economic linchpin of China. The "Phoenix Action Plan" aims to increase the total number of listed companies and key pre-IPO enterprises in the province to 1,000 by 2020. It is also a landmark program intended for China's economic reform to "vacate the birdcage to rise like a phoenix from the ashes." (Reported by Zhang Yuan, Yang Liqun, and Ding Sa)



來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 楊立群 丁薩    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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