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The Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone was approved by the state council Foreign trade entered the 3
發佈時間:2018-03-03 21:26:51    

CNCAO NEWS  On March 2, reporter learned from Hangzhou economic and technological development zone that the Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone was officially approved by the state council, the first comprehensive bonded zone in Hangzhou.

The comprehensive bonded zones set up in Hangzhou marks the development of Hangzhou foreign trade and export-oriented economy, is in line with the global functional platform officially entered the 3.0 new era, it will lead to the opening of Hangzhou and its surrounding areas to a new stage.

It is said that Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone, located in Xisha (Hangzhou economic and technological development zone), is the first batch of export processing zones in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, which was officially closed in 2001.

Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone planning area 2.007 square kilometers, will adhere to the innovative development concept, to build the international, modern, intelligent customs special supervision area as the target.

On the basis of the original Zhejiang Hangzhou export processing zone, the new logistics area, service area planning and construction supervision, supervision, inspection waiting area, store block machine inspection, quarantine treatment five main functional areas to further improve the level of intelligent management in the region, improve the logistics environment and improve the efficiency of customs clearance.

Comprehensive bonded zones bonded processing, bonded logistics, bonded services, all kinds of areas under special customs supervision functions such as bonded trade policy into an organic whole, have a better policy, higher level and more Jane areas under special customs supervision policy advantage.

In the future, Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone is the core of the two advantages of comprehensive bonded zone and Hangzhou cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone. Focusing on the transformation and development of high-end manufacturing, manufacturing services and service trade.

In combination with the guidance of the state council on promoting the scientific development of special supervision areas in customs, further optimize industrial planning and improve asset utilization. To strengthen a port linkage, actively promote the import of meat specified inspection and biomedical products inspection field construction, perfect the port functions, meet different demand of industrial development, promote the core competitive ability.

To improve regional policies, make full use of the international procurement, distribution and distribution of the CWB, and provide policy support for the development of the service trade industry through the functions of testing and after-sales service maintenance and commodity display.

The head of the Hangzhou economic and technological development zone's comprehensive management bureau told reporter, "The approval of Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone will make the former export processing zone of Zhejiang Hangzhou more complete and more complete. It is beneficial to the development of foreign trade, bonded processing, cross-border e-commerce and other industries." 

It is believed that the construction and development of Hangzhou comprehensive bonded zone will further enhance the opening level of Hangzhou and its surrounding areas and become an important growth point for the development of export-oriented economy in Hangzhou.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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