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Zhejiang provincial governor Yuan Jiajun met with members of the Zhejiang delegation of the 44th wor
發佈時間:2018-03-03 21:19:40    

CNCAO NEWS   On the morning of March 2, the governor of Zhejiang province, Yuan Jiajun, met with the Zhejiang delegation of the 44th world skills contest in the great hall of the people in Zhejiang province.

On behalf of the Zhejiang provincial party committee and the provincial government, Mr. Yuan congratulated the Zhejiang delegation, which had made outstanding achievements in the 44th world skills competition. Yuan Jiajun said that the world skill competition is the world skill field strong hand dueling event. During the competition, Zhejiang players can observe the rules, respect their opponents and respect the referee. They don’t afraid of strong hands, overcome difficulties, tenacious spelling, outstanding performance, won two gold MEDALS, three winners of the good results. For Zhejiang to compete the light, for themselves to add color, it is congratulate.


Yuan Jiajun pointed out that in recent years, Zhejiang provincial party committee, provincial government attaches great importance to the high skill talented person troop, to highly skilled talent team construction, and has achieved obvious results, provides a strong support for Zhejiang province economic and social development. At present, Zhejiang province is in the crucial stage of transformation and development, and the eight trillion industries and the top ten traditional manufacturing industries have been upgraded. Zhejiang manufacturing and service takes the lead in the upper and middle level, Zhejiang economy be the first to achieve high quality development, they both need to have a large number of skilled talents with unique skills.


Zhejiang attaches great importance to the construction of highly skilled personnel

Yuan Jiajun called for more attention to the construction of highly skilled personnel in various departments. One is to further improve the social status of highly skilled personnel. Intensify honor incentive, further improve the treatment of skilled workers, who have skill "blue-collar" workers become the subject of industrial workers show more young people learn skills "bonus", strengthen their confidence to learn skills.

The second is to make highly skilled talents have more give prize. To carrying out vocational skills competition for skilled people stand out from the building broad stage. Active docking skills contest world standards, rules, speed up the formation of the provincial, city and county level 3 skills contest system, carrying out different levels, different types of skills competition, promote the gushing skills talents.

The third is to increase the training of highly skilled personnel. To mass for vocational skills training, as soon as possible to a laborer lifelong professional training system, perfect the enterprise new apprentice system, intensify policy subsidies, guide more skills training for workers. They will further strengthen infrastructure construction, strengthen public training bases for highly skilled personnel, develop master workshops for skilled workers, and strengthen vocational schools to continuously enhance the training capacity of skilled workers.

The fourth is to form an atmosphere conducive to the growth of highly skilled people. They need to increase publicity, focus on the promotion of the winners of the world skills contest, and form the star effect, so that the world skill contest champion will become the idol and role model of young people. To carry forward the award-winning athletes keep improving, the spirit of craftsman in dedicated dedicated, meticulous firmly rejected "almost" impetuous mentality, let Zhejiang manufacturing become a worldwide famous brand.

It is hoped that the enterprises will play the role of cultivation

Yuan Jiajun stresses, skill talented person has great ability, skill post supreme honor. It is hoped that more young people will learn skills, improve skills and achieve skills. It is hoped that enterprises will play the role of cultivating the main body and further enhance the training of highly skilled personnel. It is hoped that all sectors of the various sectors will work together to advance the construction of skills and talents and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the "two high level" goals.


After the interview, Yuan Jiajun took a group photo with members of the Zhejiang delegation. Wang Wenxu, vice governor of Zhejiang province, attended the interview.


來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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