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Alipay and WeChat are located in nearly 40 countries and regions.
發佈時間:2018-03-02 16:03:32    

CNCAO NEWS  In recent years, Alipay and WeChat pay two big mobile payment giants have also been welcomed abroad while changing the way of Chinese consumption. According to WeChat payment and Ant financial services data, two payment applications have been implemented in nearly 40 countries and regions around the world up to now.


Among them, WeChat pay cross-border business to 20 foreign countries and regions including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Alipay has access to hundreds of thousands of local businesses and attractions in 38 countries and regions. Users can use Alipay for shopping, dining, local transportation and sightseeing. In many countries and regions, WeChat pay and Alipay have been deeply involved in every aspect of life.

At present, the "intelligent life solution" with WeChat pay has covered hundreds of thousands of stores and more than 30 industries, including China. On the platform of "outbound benefits" of Alipay, users can also check the merchant information of overseas destinations, personalized travel recommendation, and get preferential treatment for merchants.

In addition to helping to implement shopping, dining, transportation and other life functions, Alipay also introduced real-time tax refund function. So far, 24 countries have been able to pay tax rebates to Alipay, and more than 60 overseas airports have access to Alipay services. At 14 airports in Europe, as well as airports in South Korea and Singapore, instant tax rebates have been introduced to Alipay, and users can get immediate tax rebates at the same time as shopping.

It is worth noting that the cross-border payment of WeChat payment and Alipay can be realized in the "direct" transaction of offshore RMB. That is, shopping outside without foreign exchange in detail letter to pay, pay treasure to the store to purchase goods or services, you can directly to the cashier scan QR code consumption, the collection is automatically converted into RMB.

In addition, in addition to landing directly overseas, Alipay also conducts inclusive financial services with foreign local enterprises through strategic cooperation. For example, Ant financial launched two rounds of investment and technical experience support for Paytm, India in 2015. Paytm now has 250 million mobile wallet users.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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