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Zhejiang Scenery:Zhognnan Baicaoyuan
發佈時間:2018-02-28 16:20:37    

Zhognnan Baicaoyuan scenic spot is located in the "beautiful country of China" - Anji County, Zhejiang province. It is a national AAAA tourist attraction. It has won numerous honors such as state-level youth outdoor sports camp, the ten largest leisure farms in the country, and the national wildlife conservation science education base. It has been listed in the national 5A level scenic spot breeding list.


Zhognnan Baicaoyuan covers an area of 5600 acres with ecological resources like forest grassland and wetland, bamboo, wild animal and many products like catering, conference, accommodation, entertainment, regimen, expansion and so on. Agriculture, forestry, ecology, sports, science popularization and so on are combined with tourism perfectly. It becomes a comprehensive tourist attraction with the three main themes of the plant world, the animal world and the sports world. The number of tourists has exceeded millions of people for 6 years in a row. The number of tourists has exceeded millions of people for 6 years in a row. It is one of the ten scenic spots in the Yangtze River Delta region, which is rapidly developing and innovating, and is well received by tourists.

The plant world of include eight scenic spots like Bishuichengxi, Danfengliuxia, Baicaiyingxue and so on and eighteen gardens like White tea Garden, Osmanthus Garden, Black bamboo Garden, orchard, bamboo Grove and so on. There are 2000 species of plant species. There are more than 30 rare plants. The vegetation coverage rate of scenic spots is 95%. It is a natural green oxygen bar. There are 150 kinds of animals in the animal world. Tourists can enjoy 70 kinds of exotic wild animals such as tigers, lions, elephants, giraffe and so on. At the same time, they can also see wonderful performances like lions and tiger shows, sea lions acrobatics. There are more than 50 kinds of sports like outdoors expansion, forest horse riding, F1 kart, human CS field battle, rock climbing, aerial cableway, drifting of wetlands and so on in the sports world, as well as the large amusement park, 21 projects in the Zhongnan Amusement Park and the Children's Paradise. Visitors can experience the extreme joy and excitement here.


The scenic area also has a Turist Hotel, a barbecue field, which provides special dishes and wild tastes. The resort hotel located on the lake Yongquan is very beautiful and spacious and novel. In the hotel, we can see the tea garden from the East, see the green mountain from the west, see the green water from the south, and look over the field from the north. Here, sometimes the tree will shake, the wave on the surface of water; sometimes the wind with rosin, with chirping birds; without the noisy, which is very interesting; Walk out of the hotel, visit the park, mountain, water, garden, when moving the scenery change, all sorts of exquisite, rich natural and humane connotation make visitors relaxed.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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