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Zhejiang scenery: Sandu - Pingyan
發佈時間:2018-02-23 16:44:25    

 Sandu - Pingyan, provincial scenic spot, is a part of Hengdian cultural tourism area, located in the southeast of Dongyang city, 9 kilometers away from downtown. It straddles Wuning, Hengdian two towns low hill cemetery. The Luoping mountain and Pingyan mountain in the territory is the market mountain range, the highest peak elevation 521. 4 meters. There are 98 scenic spots in the scenic spot, which are composed of Sandu scenic spots, Pingyan cave mansion, Lanting, and Guanding temple scenic spots. The main scenic spots include the Longyuan cave, the Dongfu Qionglou, the Qianfo pagodas, the Jinsi stream, the Yintian Fane, the stage rock, the giant turtle cave, the mythical long corridor, the Tingyu Xuan and so on.

The scenic spot was originally named "Longtan Pit", which was built during the Xiantong eight year of the tang dynasty (AD 8). At that time, the villagers asked for the statue of the Shen nong in order to ask for the good harvest and the peace of the four seasons. According to legend, there was drought in the ancient time, the dragon has mercy on the people's plight, without the jade emperor's permission to private rain, after being known by the jade emperor to suppress it, hence the name "Longtan Pit". Since then, the place where cut the dragon, the dragon bed, the dragon pit are still there.

The spectacular dragon king temple towers over the entrance of the scenic spot for thousands of years. "Qingyun hole" and "Baiyun hole" are passed down as the green snake and white snake in the legend of the white snake, and Xu's villagers are the descendants of Xuxian. "Longtan Pit" is famous for its many beautiful legends, and it has been popular for thousands of years. Visitors like the tide, the county annals are recorded.

Sandu scenic spot has wonderful scenery. The "Green, white" two holes are cover by cloud, the ladder, the oblique column is looming. Standing in the south gate overlooking the east Yangjiang river, it is beautiful. It can be said that the mountain is not high and the immortal trace can be found, the water is not deep and the dragon trace can be found. The temples all over the scenic area are ancient and graceful. The Buddha in the temple is very lifelike. The sound of the bell and the drum as one falls another rises, and the smoke curling up. Tianmen, Tenglong pavilion, Shengtian pavilion is appropriate, high in the cliff stone. It is like the fairy pavilion, makes visitors fell they are in wonderland.

There are man-made lakes, covering more than 6,000 square meters, is the pearl in wonderland. At the entrance of the scenic spot, the "Dongtang dock" is buried with the famous prime minister of the southern song dynasty Qiao Xingjian and the anti-gold famous soldier Jia Tingzuo. It is also a good place for people to visit the ancient times, to remember their ancestors and to carry out patriotic education for primary and middle school students.(耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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