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Zhejiang scenery: Mu Shan Lake
發佈時間:2018-02-12 18:42:47    

  Mu Shan Lake is the second largest natural lake in Ningbo. This blue gem inlaid in the west gate of Yuyao,a famous historical and cultural city in Zhejiang province,and occupies an important position in Yuyao. Mu Shan Lake Culture which she conceived the in the history has left a thick and heavy in colours, has become an integral part of Yao River culture. Wufu barracks is under the ancient camphor tree. It is backed by Daqi hill, facing Mu Shan Lake, enjoying geographical advantages.

  It is said that Niu Gao, the Ministry of Yue Fei in the Southern Song Dynasty, had camp training in ancient camphor tree, leaving Yue Fei Temple monuments. The south of the barracks is the Xihu Ao, which is one of the key places of origin of the plum poplar plum in the west mountain of Yuyao. To the southeast is the Jiangshan village, the village has a beauty pool, and the village has the Jiangshan temple. The north gate is the Southern Song Dynasty Cultural Relic Temple Abbot Monument, the monument engraved with the first six regular script of ancient poetry and "Abbot" two characters. The ancient poems of the inscriptions describe the beautiful scenery of the five peaks of Baima, Jinji, Jicui, the Lingyun and Emei. The Abbot Monument is now a city - level cultural relic protection unit. There are more than 20 ancient camphor trees with more than 100 years of age in the Jiangshan village and the oldest old camphor tree ages have reached thousands of years. Most ancient camphor trees in the village surrounded by beauty pool, formed a unique natural landscape.

  The existing Mu Shan Lake has water area of nearly 5000 acres, with lush waterweeds, cool water, without pollution. It produces crab, carp, carp, bighead carp, mandarin fish, shrimp, and so on, especially the most famous crab. The Mu Shan Lake crabs were green back, white belly, yellow hair, gold claw, and the meat is fat and tender, delicious, which is called the "king of the crab". Mu Shan lake is gravel sand deposition, soil is hard, so Mu Shan Lake cheliceral claw of crabs particularly are strong and long, and because the Mu Shan Lake contains magnesium and other trace elements, so the nutritional value of Mu Lake crabs than in other parts of the crab is much higher.

  Lagoons like Mu Shan Lake, there were 31 in Yuyao during the Song Dynasty, but later it was silted or reclaimed or converted into a reservoir, or changed to fishponds. Only Mu Shan Lake has been left, and has become the largest natural lake in Yuyao.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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