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Zhejiang scenery: Teacher and pupil bridge
發佈時間:2018-02-12 18:40:49    

  Located in Sixi town, Zhejiang, there are two wooden arch bridges, known as "sister bridge", or "Teacher and pupil bridge". “Xidong Bridge", built in Ming Longqing dynasty, from afar, compared with the surrounding residential buildings, the red wall and green tile are more prominent. The two sides of the bridge are covered with a thin board under the handrail to block the rain. Not far from it is another bridge named "north stream bridge", built during the Qing Kangxi dynasty. There is a porch house on the bridge and the roof of the bridge is covered with a heavy eaves to make it look more beautiful.

  North stream bridge is commonly known as the lower bridge, which is more than one kilometer away from the bridge in Sixi. It is called "north stream bridge". The village is named after the bridge, whose structure and shape are similar to the upper bridge. It is 51.87 meters long, 5.37 meters wide, 11.22 meters high, and 29 meters high. It is also a wooden arch bridge with 20 Bridge houses. The bridge is said to be built by the same master, so it is called "Sixi teacher and pupil bridge”, also known as "Sixi sister bridge". It was founded in 13 years of the reign of emperor Kangxi (1671) and rebuilt in 8 years of the reign of emperor Jiaqing (1803). The structure of the two Bridges is exquisite and simple. It is a typical wooden arch bridge in the history of bridge architecture in China. Whether from the choice of building materials or bridge structure, or the combination of bridge and architecture, the combination of human landscape and natural landscape, North stream bridge is an outstanding example. It fully embodies the spatial concept and environmental concept of traditional Chinese architecture.

  Xidong bridge is the best wooden arch bridge of Taishun. Xidong bridge is the upper bridge, located in the Xidong village of Sixi town, commonly known as Xidong bridge. In fact, it should be called Dongxi bridge because it is named after the east stream. It is 41.7 meters long, 4.86 meters wide and 10.35 meters high (water surface to the top of the span), and the single hole spans 25.7 meters, palace style. It has the cornice and cock corner, there is a main eaves attic at the center, extremely magnificent and beautiful.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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