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The State Council approved the construction of national independent innovation demonstration zone in
發佈時間:2018-02-12 18:39:10    

  Recently, the State Council officially approved the construction of Zhejiang, Ningbo high tech Industrial Development Zone of Wenzhou National Innovation Demonstration Zone, the regional scope announced for the relevant departments of the State Council Development Zone Audit Announcement determine the scope of the four. This is the second national independent innovation demonstration area of Zhejiang province after the Hangzhou national independent innovation demonstration zone.

  The Reply pointed out, to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of CPC, the ideological characteristics of Xi Jinping China new era as a guide, in accordance with the deployment decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the full implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, give full play to Ningbo, Wenzhou location advantages, the advantages of private economy and open development advantages, and actively carry out pilot innovation policy, cultivate a good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, stimulate innovation and vitality of the body, to further promote public entrepreneurship, innovation, enhance the overall efficiency of regional innovation system, build entrepreneurial innovation of private economy to new heights, Ningbo, Wenzhou high tech Zone into science and technology system reform pilot area, ecological demonstration area, optimizing innovation pilot area, opening-up and cooperation city group collaborative innovation model area, industrial innovation and upgrading leading areas.

  It is understood that Ningbo, Wenzhou high tech Zone will enjoy the national innovation demonstration zone policies, continue to deepen decentralization, put the tube combination, optimize service reform, and actively carry out scientific and technological system and mechanism innovation, in guiding the investment of private capital in innovation, scientific and technological achievements transformation, financial technology, intellectual property protection and use, personnel training the introduction of regional cooperation and open cooperation, innovation and other aspects of the demonstration.

  In the part of functional layout, Ningbo national hi tech Industrial Development Zone to enhance the regional innovation leading role for the development of objectives, comparative advantages of the relative concentration of innovation resources, focus on innovation and entrepreneurship to create ecological and institutional reform pilot demonstration, build new materials innovation center and the international first-class industry, and strive to become the new engine of southeast Zhejiang area innovation and transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry.

  Wenzhou national high tech Industrial Development Zone to build regional characteristics of industrial development and transformation of emerging industries of high construction target, promote scientific and technological achievements of laser and photoelectric field transformation and industrial organization innovation pilot, to further improve the technology innovation service system and innovation service platform, and strive to build a “Zhejiang Branch agglomeration NEW heights.” “science and technology financial elements integration platform” “New benchmarking of mixing production integration and city”, becoming the development zone radiates innovative characteristics of high tech Industrial in south of Zhejiang and north of Fujian region.

  The construction of the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in Ningbo and Wenzhou hi tech development area will be integrated into the national independent innovation demonstration area, the inter ministerial coordination group as a whole, and relevant policies and measures should be implemented to solve major problems in development. The relevant departments of the State Council will combine their respective functions and give positive support to the major project arrangement, the first test of the policy and the innovation of the system and mechanism.

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵 李斌 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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