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Zhejiang scenery: Dongqian Lake
發佈時間:2018-02-10 20:01:29    

Dongqian Lake is also known as Qian Lake and Wanjin Lake. It is a famous scenic spot in Zhejiang province. It is located on the east side of Ningbo city and fifteen kilometers from the city center.The Lake Southeast backed by mountains, lake close to the northwest plain, is a part of Fujian and Zhejiang geology, and it is the formation of ancient lagoon natural geological movement.It is known as "the charm of the West Lake and the spirit of Tai Lake".The circumference of the lake is 45 kilometers, with an area of 22 square kilometers. It is the largest (NATURAL) freshwater lake in Zhejiang province. The area is 3 times the area of Hangzhou West Lake, the average water depth is 2.2 meters, and the total water storage is 33 million 900 thousand cubic meters.Dongqian Lake is listed as the pilot of ecological environmental protection for Chinese lakes.


The Dongqian Lake is closely related to the Qingshan plain, and the scenery is beautiful.It also known as "ten thousand Jinhu", through the vicissitudes of life, accumulated a strong cultural heritage, leaving a large number of historical and artistic values of cultural and historical remains.

There are attractions like Little Mount Putuo, Taogong Island in the lake area, and Tiantong temple is one of the five mountains of Zen and Buddhism.In the spring and Autumn period, Fan Li and Xi Shi in Funiu Mountain Lake after retiring, Fan Li later called himself TaoZhu Gong.

The lakeside dwellings retain the features of the building of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the Qing Dynasty: the long wall, the pink wall, and the black tiles.Dong Qian Huquan lake can be divided into three parts: The west uses the Shigu mountains, Lida mountain as the boundary, called "Guzi Lake"; the northeast is bounded by the lake, called "Mei Lake", the rest of the lake called Outer Lake, the lake is divided into north and south two part.The three are collectively known as the "Dongqian Lake".Dongqian Lake is surrounded by mountains: the southeast with Fuquan hill, northwest with Yuebo hill;The northeast is surrounded by Longquan mountains,Taogong mountain and Baiibu peak.There are seventy-two streams around the lake.In the scenic area, the mountains and rivers are dependent on each other, and the breeze is slowly.According to incomplete statistics, there are 11 scenic spots in the cultural relics, of which there are 2 national key cultural relic protection units.Ningbo merchants, Tao Zhu Gong, Daci Temple, Shi families which controlled the fate of the hundred years of the Southern Song Dynasty has left culture of business,Buddha, the official culture for Dongqian Lake.

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The best time to play in 3-10 months a year, the fall of September of the lunar calendar at the beginning of ten, you can visit the bustling Dongqian Lake dragon boat festival.Winter also reflects the local fishery culture east money Hudong fishing festival. The scenery of spring, summer and autumn is different. You can also boat on the lake,which is very pleasant.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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