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49 people in Zhejiang were selected for the 14th batch of national "1000 Talents Plan" Youth Proje
發佈時間:2018-02-10 19:52:14    
Recently, the fourteenth batch of national "1000 Talents Plan" Youth Project, the list of personnel selected for entrepreneurship project officially announced, and there are a total of 49 people in Zhejiang.
After the reporter combed the list, it was found that 38 people in Zhejiang University were selected, and it was ranked second in the national colleges and universities.Among the candidates in Zhejiang University, two "post-90s" were included in,and the youngest was born in 1992.
In addition, 1 people from the Zhejiang University of Technology, the Hangzhou Dianzi University and the Wenzhou financial asset trading center (Limited by Share Ltd) have been selected for the Youth 1000 Talents Plan.In addition, 8 people of enterprises in Zhejiang province have been selected for the project of fourteenth batch of national "1000 Talent  Plan".
"1000 Talents Plan" Youth Project began in 2011, aimed at introducing a number of potential talented young people from overseas.The object of the project should belong to the field of natural science or engineering technology, and the age is less than 40 years old, and it should get a doctoral degree from overseas famous universities or overseas experience with a certain number of years.After entering the Youth 1000 Talents Plan, the central finance will give the living allowance and research fund subsidy to the selected candidates, and other working conditions and living benefits will be implemented according to the existing policy of "1000 Talents Plan".
The young talents of the "1000 Talents Plan" is an important reserve of talent in China.Chinese to build a world-class university in 2020, after 2030 to enter the world of the University, is now mainly rely on this group of young people in their prime.The "Introduction" is only the first step. Whether these talents can come to work smoothly or bear fruit is a more important question that Chinese universities need to answer.There are commentaries that who can win in the competition depends largely on who can provide a better platform.This includes both advanced research equipment brought by high investment, and a software environment suitable for young people to grow and produce results.To build an academic home loved by outstanding young people at home and abroad - this is the necessary choice for Chinese universities to win the leading position in international competition.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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