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Zhejiang Scenery: Shanglin Lake
發佈時間:2018-02-09 12:49:34    

Shanglin lake is located in the Qiaotou town of Cixi city, Zhejiang Province, is one of China's famous origin and the birthplace of Yue celadon. Shanglin lake area has a long history of burn the celadon, can be traced back to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasties until the Northern Song Dynasty, over a thousand years, never stopped. With the improvement of technology of porcelain kilns, expanding the scope of the Northern Song Dynasty, from the Han Dynasty to have been found in the ancient kiln 104, distributed in the range of Shanglin lake, lake, Lake (in Lidu Lake), Baiyang Lake and Guyin lake (now around Pengdong) above the forest lake kilns the most abundant product concentration.

According to records, the five generation of Wu Yue Qian Dynasty in Shanglin lake has been set up the prison officer kiln, specializing in the production of green glaze, enamel sparkling “secret color porcelain”, which as court activities and to the Central Plains dynasties tribute. So the “secret color porcelain” has become synonymous with “like jade and same as ice”. Because the number of local firing is very limited, and the archaeological excavated from the past is very few, so “secret color porcelain” has been attracting close attention and great interest both at home and abroad in ancient ceramic academia.

shanglin lake celadon from all over the world by love, since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Mingzhou (Ningbo) harbor, are exported to Korea and Japan and Arabia and other countries and regions, in India, Iran, Egypt and Japan have Shanglin Lake celadon kiln unearthed relics, ancient Ningbo as a bridge and messenger of foreign trade, culture exchange.


Shanglin lake nestled in the embrace of the mountains, the lake tortuous scene, rippling blue lake, lake surrounded by steep mountains, rich fruit. Hunan Kaolao hill, also known as Xianju mountain, is said to have a living immortal. The mountain is extremely quiet, meandering trails, streams gurgling, birds chirping, tactful and calm. In the season of high water, the waterfall flies and falls like a white exercise. In addition to the East Lake Lake, lake, Lake Du Lei five temple, Jinxian temple and other places of historic interest and scenic beauty adds unlimited fun, and reverie. Especially in summer, waxberry heavy branches, and the whole mountain was in red, to lure visitors unable to hide greeds. A landscape of lakes and mountains and birds and animals, the beautiful side by side harmonic dance, has made countless tourists into them, become the person in painting.(翻譯:張旭)


來源: 中國網    | 作者:張旭    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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