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Zhejiang Scenery: China The window of Shexiang
發佈時間:2018-02-08 17:21:28    

 Chinese “The window of SheXiang”area, is Jingning County of Zhejiang Province ecological demonstration, in 2009 it was approved as a national AAAA level scenic spots. The scenic spot is located in the Dajun village of the Dajun township government, which is 13 kilometers from the county town of Jingning. All the village was built in the late Tang Five period, one thousand years before the spring is the transportation hub Oujiang River tributary Creek watershed, commercial economy more prosperous, reading is also very focused on fashion, forming a large are heavy “three folk”, which including the pen, the weigh beam, and the bamboo rod (Punting), do business on writing agreements, writing documents, and a contract support platoon to make a living. The formation of the Ming and Qing style with quaint shop in front of backyard mountain and stone street in the ancient street style commercial buildings, has “ River pearl”, “Jingning top school”, “Zhejiang south lotus Town” reputation.

The Dajun rafting project opened and put into operation in 1998 is a key tourism item in Jingning county. It has been appraised by the Zhejiang provincial waterway rafting expert group as the most dangerous drifting way in the big drift channel of the whole province. Bamboo raft drifting throughout the ten pools, nine beaches, four walls and a reef beach group, the formation of beach connecting lake water Qijue scenery; rubber boats drifting more narrowly, rapids, hit the waves rise, waterfalls, with one hundred percent of the hurricane feeling, also can enjoy beautiful pool, strange peak, stone forest and kind people in she rural scenery and endowed with beautiful legend of the floating umbrella ferries beauty, tourists are called floating umbrella and fairy pool, is No.1 in the south of Yangtze River.

Chinese “The window of SheXiang” scenic area is the main residential areas in Jingning County of the She people, to the customs as the core, is the best window into the landscape and experience the She nationality living style. An exquisite scenery scenic natural ecological environment, the national first-class, many historical relics, a large village is “health care land”, “natural oxygen bar”, and known as “ Zhejiang lotus Town” reputation, a “civilized village”, “River pearl” and “Zhejiang first drift” and etc. The scenic spots are She nationality style marriage, passion rafting, campfire, barbecue, Xiao Xi washing water splashing Festival, Torch Festival carnival, romantic antiphonal participate in experiential programs, floating track, Forest in Dragon hillock, floating umbrella Temple, three Jinshi in a door, Dajun old streets, the exhibition hall and other monuments landscape. It is a comprehensive scenic spot which combines historical culture, national customs and natural ecological scenery. In 2010, it was named as the classic scenic spot of Zhejiang province.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張旭    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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