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Ten minutes speech from the British Prime Minister's visit to China three times to emphasize the A
發佈時間:2018-02-03 17:19:47    

 In February 2nd, British Prime Minister Teresa May attended the Sino British business forum in Shanghai and communicated with Chinese entrepreneurs. The ten minute speech brought up the three Alibaba. Theresa May said that the cooperation between British companies have close business cooperation, believe that can truly bring true happiness, this point in AstraZeneca and Alibaba in the wisdom of health system together to get good proof.

We have just worked with the Alibaba to build a consensus on the Wuxi Town, and there is an unlimited potential for cooperation between the two sides.” Teresa May said in his speech that the accompanying troupe of China was from all walks of life in Britain, and some of them had already established contacts in China, and some of them came to China for the first time. In all aspects of finance, education, agriculture and medical health, both British enterprises and Alibaba have discussed the details of cooperation.


After the end of the forum, Jack Ma, with the entrepreneurs of the Chinese Entrepreneur Club, talked to Teresa May.

 Teresa May mentioned in her speech that Alibaba has been committed to supporting women's employment in promoting women's improvement.”Alibaba's holding the world women's conference is commendable.

 Regarding this, Jack Ma, chairman of Chinese Entrepreneur Club, said that the success of Alibaba owes to a large number of excellent female employees, because women are more considerate than men and pay more attention to experience. At present, among the world's high-tech companies, the Alibaba has the largest number of women, and 1/3 of the managers are women.

In addition, in Jack Ma’s view, Britain has been the advocate and defender of global free trade. Globalization is not a tool, It is an idea, a vision and a responsibility. China and the United Kingdom are heading for a more open way. Because opening up, mutual trust and economic complementing each other, the golden age of China and the United Kingdom is coming.



來源: 中國網    | 作者:張旭    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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