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Zhejiang has the fourth largest number of enterprises in the country
發佈時間:2018-02-01 22:45:51    

    The reporter learned from the Zhejiang provincial bureau of industry and commerce that the business environment of Zhejiang province in the past few years was clearly positive, which effectively promoted the employment and market vitality. By the end of 2017, the province had a total of 5.934 million households, up 12.2% year on year and 0.9% month-on-month. The number of new registered market participants was 1.13 million, up 18% year on year, and the number of new registered market players broke millions for the first time. Zhejiang has the fourth largest number of market players in the country, with 1,049 per 10,000 people in the market, equivalent to one in 10 Zhejiang people is starting a business.

  In addition, Zhejiang is under the background of the " Belt And Road" construction in the new round of opening to the outside world. In 2017, the ability of Zhejiang to attract foreign capital is significantly enhanced. By the end of December 2017, there were 5,144 new registered foreign enterprises in the province, an increase of 1504 units over the same period last year, up 41.3% year-on-year.

  One in 10 Zhejiang people has a boss

  Zhejiang has always let the reform of the commercial system been the first step in comprehensively deepening reform, and the reform of "running at most once" has continued to improve the business environment. Zhejiang provincial bureau of industry and commerce insists on the service development as the main line, earnestly shouldering the service small and micro enterprise's mission, strives to be a leader in reform, and combs through the regulations, procedures and guidelines for the unification of Zhejiang province. It puts the whole electronic registration platform online, and cleans up the preconditions of industrial and commercial registration. It also implements a series of reform measures, including the implementation of the facilitation registration service, the implementation of the "multiple certificates, one size and one code", and the implementation of the approval model of "certification and registration". It further improved the business environment in Zhejiang province and stimulated market vitality.

  In 2017, there are 1.13 million new registered market entities in Zhejiang province, with a daily average of 4,503 registered market participants( It is calculated at 251 working days a year). The daily increase in the number of registered households was 688, far exceeding the national average of 1,529 households.

  At the same time, Zhejiang's electronic registration platform launched in July, has realized "no paper, no region, no time limit", became a full process online registration covering all enterprise types, including establishment, change, and logout. The implementation of the pilot, agency and advisory services and a series of facilitation measures have greatly improved the efficiency of enterprises. In July and November, the registered items of the electronic registration platform sampled that the average number of registered items was 15.2 days at the beginning of the platform operation in July, and through various reform measures, the average number of registered days in November was shortened to 4.5 days.

  According to Zhejiang provincial bureau of industry and commerce, by the end of 2017, the province had a total of 5.934 million households, up 12.2% year on year. The number of new registered market participants was 1.13 million, up 18% year on year, and the number of new registered market players broke millions for the first time. Among them, there were 386,000 new registered enterprises, up 25.4% year on year. The number of newly registered individual businesses was 740,000, up 14.8% year on year. Zhejiang has the fourth largest number of market players in the country, with 1,049 per 10,000 people in the market, equivalent to one in 10 Zhejiang people is starting a business. The total number of enterprises in the province is 34.7, which is 12.8 more than 21.9, the total number of enterprises per 1,000 people in the country. The index has exceeded the level of the moderately developed economies.

  The opening-up strategy drives the development of foreign-funded enterprises

  It is worth mentioning that, under the background of the "Belt And Road" construction, Zhejiang is in charge of a new round of opening-up. In 2017, Zhejiang's ability to attract foreign capital is significantly enhanced. By the end of December, 5144 new foreign-invested enterprises in the province increased by 1504 units over the same period last year, up 41.3% year on year and 79.3% over the same period in 2015. At the same time, the registered capital also showed a good momentum. By the end of December, the registered capital of new registered foreign enterprises in Zhejiang was $35.17 billion, an increase of 75.8%.

  In 2017, of the 68 countries along the “Belt And Road”, 60 have invested in Zhejiang. A total of 8,857 households, accounting for 20.6% of the total number of foreign enterprises in the province, up 14.5% year on year. It was 5.4 percentage points higher than the 9.1% growth of the overall foreign enterprise, which is more than doubled of the increase of the countries along the “Belt And Road” enterprise in Zhejiang.

  In addition, Hong Kong-invested enterprises also show good development momentum. The 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return has deepened the economic cooperation between the Zhejiang and Hong Kong. By the end of December, there were 16,000 Hong Kong investment enterprises in Zhejiang, accounting for 37.9% of the total investment in the United States, Japan, Korea, Britain, France, Germany and other countries.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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