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Zhejiang scenery: Potan ancient town
發佈時間:2018-01-31 13:09:25    

  After thousands of years of wind and rain, thousands of years of precipitation and accumulation, the lake is still preserved with the long pebble paved "dragon" ancient street. The ancient dwellings of the tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and republican dynasties, the magnificent and beautifully arranged "Santou Jiumen Tang", the Tongjiang college where Zhu xi's son studied in, the needle boneless lanterns that has won the gold medal of the China art exhibition and the gold medal of the fourth international exposition and the profound historical and cultural heritage can give you a sense of the meaning of the millennium culture.

  As a provincial historical and cultural reserve, Potan ancient town is a well-preserved ancient town of commerce and trade. There is an ancient street with a length of 2km long which has a "dragon" shape. The ancient style buildings of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties on both sides of the street are preserved, and the shops, wharfs, taverns, opera houses, brothels, casinos, pawnshops, academies and temples are all available.


  Potan ancient town is located about 25 kilometers west of Xianju county. It is the unique five-stream junction of Yonganxi, the Zhumu xi, Wanzhu xi, Jiudukeng xi and Huangyukeng xi join Yongan xi at the same point. So here is the view of five moons in the night( means the five reflections of the moon). Potan is also an intersection area of water and land. The waterway of Yanling river and Yongan xi come ashore here, the Cangling ancient road, which leads to the west of Zhejiang, is also at the beginning of Potan. It has the advantageous geographical position connecting southeast coast and west Zhejiang inland. In the middle of the Qing dynasty, the ancient town of Potan was quite large. The main street is shaped like a dragon, with cobblestones curved, up to 2 kilometers long, with street flagstones everywhere. In addition to the "water quay", there are five "quay" in the town: Wuyi quay, Dongyang quay, Jinyun quay, Yongkang quay and Gong quay.


  The ancient town has a large number of ancient buildings, rich and varied. It has old shops, ancient houses, brothels and casinos, academies and ancestral temples. Since the beginning of the republic of China, due to the variation of traffic conditions and natural disasters, the ancient streets of the city have been gradually depressed. In particular, the railway was opened to traffic, and the original function of the Potan salt road was lost. The Potan market is not as good as used to be, but the main buildings and structures are in good condition.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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