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Zhejiang scenery: shaoxing da xiang Lin.
發佈時間:2018-02-07 16:22:02    

Da Xiang Lin Forest scenic area is located in Shaoxing District of Keqiao City, 6 kilometers southwest away from it. To the south of the capital city of Hangzhou lies calligraphy sacred Lanting Pavilion, to the west is Hangzhou city, traffic location advantages stands out which is a national AAAA class tourist area and the national agricultural tourism demonstration sites. Scenic spots have the beautiful scenery, fresh air, with the ancient sweet osmanthus tree community, planted in Song Dynasty, luxuriant, stretches for miles. known as "the most ancient osmanthus community". There is a tree of osmanthus, which has been tested by the experts of osmanthus, Xiang Qibo, which has a thousand years of age, and is called the "king of Chinese osmanthus". Forest scenic tourism resources to enhance quality of rich, concentrated display to "sweet" as the characteristics of rural delicacy, to "sweet" as the main line of the tourist landscape, to "sweet" as the main way of leisure for tourists bearing offered a "drunk beauty, natural fragrance, drunk nature" moody trip.

Forest scenic area is located in Keqiao District, 15 kilometers southwest of Hutang street, covers an area of 4 square kilometers. It is an ecotourism resort with the features of the Millennium Guilin and the natural landscape, integrating religion, folklore, leisure and holiday. Shaoxing forest rural leisure tourism area in Shaoxing county (Chinese Textile City) southwest of Hutang street, is a national AAAA class tourist area and the national agricultural tourism demonstration sites, the total area of the core is about 4 square kilometers. Forest region rely on many thousands of years’ ancient  osmanthus community and bamboo forest, orchard and other natural landscape fusion religions and folk customs and cultural characteristics, is a multifunctional ecological leisure resort.
Forest not only has picturesque scenery, beautiful scenery and moderate climate, Four Seasons all produce fruit here, lush vegetation, distinctive features, such as fruit, all show attractions; the most prominent to the Millennium ancient osmanthus community. Every year come to the season of Osmanthus bloom, the fragrance spreads far and near, can smell ten miles away. The world’s largest and oldest ancient osmanthus tree communit. In the history,famous poet Lu You the Northern Song Dynasty, leaving many articles, described osmanthus here in many poems. Other famous people, such as he Zhi Zhang and Zhang Dai, also have ink stains. The number is not enumerated. In addition, spring outing to see flowers, summer picking, folk and other scenic activities of the twelfth lunar month are also the different kind of wonderful.

來源:     | 作者:耿凱寧    | 責編:吳焓煥    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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