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Zhejiang Scenery: Jiang Mountain Qingyang village
發佈時間:2018-02-06 17:46:29    

 Qing Yang village is located in the town of Shimen Jiangshan City, is located in the the north foot of the world natural heritage Jiangmen mountain, the maritime Silk Road overland passage extending Xianxia ancient Road near the village. Jiangshan city is more than 20 kilometers distance Shimen town Qing Yang ancient village is the birthplace of Mao Jiangshan, or even the whole South Mao inhabited area center. It is said that all the population in Jiangshan City, the family name of Mao has nearly 1/10, to Mao’s eighth sun - Mao Yuanqiong (Named Qingyang) settled in the north of Jianglang mountain, then its descendants by Mao Yuanqiong, named after the village, Yang Qing village, hence the name.

Yang Qing village is outstanding talent, and is an expensive but not rich “Jinshi village”.According to the detailed textual research, Mao Zedong Shia mountain genealogy in the mind of Mao ancestral home three Qu” in the “three Qu”, which is refers to the history of a total of 6 ministers, 80 scholars of the Qing Yang village. Although the Qing Yang out of the number of senior officials, but the existing ancient buildings simple, reflects the “ancient poetry famous Mao clan with innocence, family motto”.Modern Qing Yang still has many talents, The famous Ancient Chinese Literature Search master water Qing Yang was born in Qingyang, in addition to the emergence of a large number of science and technology, education, party political celebrity.

Is worth mentioning that the Qing Yang village and the famous scenic area Jianglang Mountain adjacent to the entrance to the village, where a wooded high waterfall, called “sword waterfall”, 60 meters high, vacant and springs, very spectacular; “sword waterfall” side there is a natural Shimen, 20 meters high, this is the origin of the name of the town. In 80s of last century Qing Yang Ancient tower was listed as cultural relic protection units in Jiangshan City; Qing Yang village also has “Qing Yang ancestral home” plaque, which is Hu Shi wrote. Qing Yang village has been listed as cultural protection units in Jiangshan city.  (翻譯:張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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