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Zhejiang Scenery: Juxi Kong’s Family Temple
發佈時間:2018-02-06 11:38:56    

 This building is located in Zhejiang Panan County Ju Xi village, built in the Southern Song Dynasty, set in the south and face in the north, the whole building with axis through, composed of gate, stage, open wells, front office, hall and two small courtyard, back wells. It is the national key cultural relic protection unit. The Kong’s Temple of Panan was a key cultural relic protection unit in the Southern Song Dynasty. Panan Kong’s Temple is also called Ju Xi Kong temple, the temple is located in Panfeng countryside Ju Xi village, in Zhejiang Panan county.

Juxi Village is situated at the north foot of Dayan Mountain, it was called Guichuan and Juchuan in ancient times, surrounded by hills, mountains are beautiful and environment is silence and strange. There are 360 households in the whole village, with 1130 people and all surname Kong, the largest settlement of the descendants of Confucius in the south of the Yangtze River.

Ju Xi Kong Temple in Song Dynasty Jianyan time, Duan gong and hereditary Dr. Yansheng Duan you experienced the Jin’s chaos and ran to the south, and then Duan you lived in Quzhou, and Duan gong settled at Juchuan of Wu.

According to Juchuan Kong’s Genealogy set: “ Only the ancestor of Wu Dr. Duangong, the official position reach to the administrative judge of the Dali temple, and by the Tai arrived to Wu then to Juchuan, see the high mountains, fragrant spring and fertile soil, then abandoned the glory and pleasure from his house, under the Zhong Mountain in the north and south of the Yan. By three points from the beginning of the three schools also.”

Now Kong’s Temple settle in the south and face to the north, is the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty building, door plaque “Kong’s Temple” four words recognizable. The Kong’s family temple was first built in the Southern Song Bao you between 1253 and 1258. Song li emperor was given “ Wuzhou Nan Kong” five grade one level of grace, one level of grace is built the Kong’s family temple on the South Bank of the Ju river. Since the Southern Song Dynasty temple built by the order of the emperor in Kong Bao you years, yuan and Ming Dynasties many times by the government building, the grand style temple. At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Ju Xi occurred in the vicinity of the peasant uprising, the court sent troops to suppress, burning caused by excessive, “ Never smell the chicken and dog voice for ten years”, the war destroyed temple. Later, the temple hole clan raising reconstruction, although there had been no emperors made magnificent, but has more complete preservation. Kong’s Temple ancient Grand Hall, exquisite structure, the whole building by the gate, stage, hall, front office, symmetrical layout, magnificent and simple guarded. It is 21.50 meters wide, 30.30 meters in depth, 880 square meters in area, up to 84 in the house column, and by three columns with a bucket structure. The stage is a pavilion style structure. The lobby, after the hall is five bays, lifting beams Chuan Dou style combination. The ground floor of the small patio is laid with uniform cobblestones and flagstone is placed. In the temple pillars song, yuan, Ming and Qing four dynasties style, this small pillar records the vicissitudes of life change history. The ancestral temple hall middle hanging “ Still being” in the word board, its meaning “ the spirit of Confucius forever”. On both sides of a poetic couplet, read the meaning: “ The spirit has been inheriting and began at Ni mountain then personnels stay in Yan mountain; Only has one heir and Si river deep source and Gui river long flowing”. Earlier, temple also has “ the teacher for all ages” on a plaque, but also in the Cultural Revolution destroyed. Now the collection cultural relic and Kong’s Genealogy tablets, painted by Wu Daozi Confucius carved like rubbings etc.(翻譯:張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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