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Zhejiang Scenery: Xianhua Mountain
發佈時間:2018-02-06 11:29:05    

 Xianhua Mountain, also known as Xiangu mountain, located in Pujiang county of Zhejiang Province, is a national AAAA level scenic spots. The scenic area to the cultural landscape and the Confucian culture and religious culture connotation, the peak to peak, south of Yangtze River first features, cultural landscape and the natural landscape as a whole, which is to attractions, leisure as the main function of the scenic tourist area.

As early as 150 million years ago, the Mesozoic, because of the strong fracture and extrusion of the Yan Mountain movement and volcanic activity, the immortal Hua mountain was formed. The understanding of the value of the landscape is about Xianhua Mountain in early Tang dynasty. According to records: At Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty fifteen years (AD 641 years) around two Zhejiang Baozhang monk of India, from Xian to Hua mountain, greatly to the scenery quiet of the beautiful song, “ As long as China four hundred continents, here called partial Road Tour” of the sentence, then to built a temple, in this practice until the Tang Xianqing two years (AD 657 years) at the age of 1072. Then to the yuan and Ming Qing Dynasty famous scene name, or by travel, or a Linquan chant sends indignantly. Song Fangfeng (AD 1241 to 1322) on the author of Xianhua eight. scenes. Latest Yuan Dynasty Song Lian(AD 1310 - L381 years) in the yuan to the median (circa 1350) speech hanlinyuan editing history of Hua mountain Longmen Xian people called the reclusive, like Xianhua Mountain - “ Real world show great wonder, the vast area”. Lv Zuqian, Xie Ao, Wu Siqi, Liu Guan, Wu Lai and Liu Ji have this, only retained poetry over a hundred articles, has cliff 4, add to the profound cultural connotation of Xianhua mountain.

Xianhua mountain is famous as strange mountain peak forest, at an altitude of 600 meters above the top of Xianhua Mountain, with its impressive peaks rise steeply rising “This flag, such as treasure lotus, such as Lin Guan cavalry. Liu Bowen has a poem: “ most outstanding Xian weird, like the Yunfu space”. So that Xianhua mountain has “ first fairy peak”. Divided into four scenic spots: the north is bristly, colorful “ Xianhua Pinnacle rocks” scenic area; South has Ming Zhao Chongming robe planting plum in the number “Meiwu Hornsey” scenic; East for thousands of years of practice of “Baozhang monk Valley” scenic area; West is surrounded by mountains and waters “ Fairy lake scenic water”. There are 24 peaks, 14 strange stone caves 120 spots. The natural environment of the scenic area is pleasant and the coverage rate of vegetation is over 88%. It is a rare summer resort for leisure.(翻譯:張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡清林    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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