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Hangzhou will give the world a gift! It has been selected to the national platform!
發佈時間:2018-01-28 18:14:59    

"The furthest distance in the world is not from the South Pole to the North Pole, but from the traffic light to the traffic camera." On January 27, on the scene of the Hangzhou delegation deliberated, Wang Jian, the representative of the provincial people's congress and the chairman of the technical committee of Alibaba group, said the word and let the meeting be lively. What did he mean? "Technical man" told that although they are on the same pole, the data behind them is never connected, and the information recorded by the camera can never command the control of the traffic light. "So maybe you waited at the intersection until it was dark, but you didn't know that  another crossing that is not far away is unimpeded."


Traffic jam is the pain in every Hangzhou person during rush hour. "It's always a headache to send a kid to a training class every weekend, because I spend most of the time waiting for the traffic jam."  Representative of the provincial people's congress and deputy chief planner of the Hangzhou urban planning and design institute Wu Weijin’s experience let a lot of representatives feel the same way.

"So, we have to put a 'brain' in our city to get traffic lights and traffic cameras together." Wang Jian, who success breeds interest, finally got to the point. In his view, data resources, like electricity, will become the basic elements of urban development and reshape the future of urban development.

Such prejudgments are not fanciful. At present, Alibaba "city brain" in Hangzhou main urban area and Xiaoshan pilot, 80 percent of the intersection has done the common people driving "just wait for a traffic light". For example, in Hangzhou's main urban area, the "city brain" controls traffic lights in multiple Moganshan road areas, with a 15.3 percent reduction in traffic time and 4.6 minutes on elevated road trips. In the main urban area, the "urban brain" daily incident alarm 500 times, the accuracy rate is 92%. "The concept of smart city has been in vogue for more than a decade, and there is still no model of a successful smart city. Hangzhou is expected to fill this gap."

Wu Weijin was the first to praise the "urban brain": “ A city's huge traffic network, if it only depends on the planning, design and manpower scheduling, it must be unbalanced, also is difficult to anticipate. To solve problems, we can only rely on artificial intelligence, relying on data. This needs a smart brain command center city, based on large data through data fusion, technology integration and business integration, to support government decision-making scientifically and precisely social governance and public service efficiency.”

"The 'city brain' will be a chance for Hangzhou to take a new step, and it will be a gift from Hangzhou to the world city." Wang Qiang, president of the innovation research institute, a delegate to the provincial people's congress, picked up the government work report. In the report, He underlined the sentence "Alibaba's 'city brain' was selected as the new AI platform of the country." deliberately. In his view, through AI technology, "urban brain" can realize the scientific deployment of urban resources. "Urban transportation, urban energy, urban tourism, urban health care, etc., will increase the utilization rate of all resources, which will make us more affordable, and the increase of happiness will be very surprising. You might even be able to work four days a week and finish the works that you work five or six days now. The rest is getting longer!”

Chen Ping, a representative of the provincial people's congress and principal of the Hangzhou academy, was the first to "calm down" in the laughter of the scene. He said: “ In the "brain" city, human and machine is highly integrated, everything can be connected, all can be programmed. In the age of big data, however, data is a valuable asset, and it must be sorted out who owns and dominant the wealth.”

“ We should plan data resources like plan land resources, plan data processing like plan garbage disposal and plan the city's computing power like plan the city's power supply.” Wang Jian said.

This is a bright future.



來源: 浙江新聞    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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