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Ancient city of Liangzhu in Zhejiang Province officially declared World Cultural Heritage
發佈時間:2018-01-27 15:40:39    

On January 26th, the Management Committee of Hangzhou Liangzhu Site held a news briefing. The reporter learned that China National Commission for UNESCO sent a letter to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee world heritage centre to officially recommended "Liangzhu Ancient City Site" as a world cultural heritage declaration in 2019 on the same day.


Liangzhu Ancient City Site (3300 B.C. to 2300 B.C.) was located in Yuhang District which is in the north of Hangzhou and it was first discovered in 1936. In 2007, Liangzhu Ancient City with a total area of 3 million square meters which was in a great scale re-emerged. Since then, we have found out the outer Guo city wall, the complex functional water system and so on. Liangzhu Ancient City Site has been really and completely preserved until today which was filling the vacancy of the neolithic archaeological site in east Asia in the world heritage list  and providing unique testimony for over 5000-years Chinese civilization.

The discovery of Liangzhu Ancient City has been listed in the top ten new archaeological finds in China for 10 times. In 2013, it was selected to "10 new world archaeological discoveries in 2011-2012" by the international archaeological community. The history textbooks of the high school in the national unification ministry have taken Liangzhu Culture as a demonstration of 5000- Years Chinese civilization.

It is learned that the Liangzhu Ancient City Site will be in accordance with the 3rd and 4th articles of world heritage standard of “Guidelines for the implementation of the convention on the protection of world culture and natural heritage” with high integrity and authenticity and good overall situation of protection management to apply for entering the world heritage list.

In the process of the application, except The great value of the site to all human beings, the preservation of the site is also key to the success of the application. Therefore, our country has listed the Liangzhu Site into the national key cultural relic protection units and delimited the protection zone of Liangzhu Site.

"In the next 10 years, we will build the expert cheered, the people hit, international leading and domestic first-class Liangzhu Culture National Park and build the Liangzhu Site into a shrine in the Chinese culture and Chinese culture gold card to let the crowd around the world share the results of heritage protection." said Chen Shoutian, deputy secretary of the Party committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Hangzhou Liangzhu Site Management District. Now,the Liangzhu Site Park has been included in the first batch of national archaeological site parks (there are only 12 national park in our country).

It is learned that the next step, according to the process of " properties guide for world cultural heritag”, the experts of international International Council of Heritage Sites will go to Liangzhu this summer to take an on-site assessment of the authenticity, integrity, protection effectiveness and other contents of heritage in all directions.

來源: 浙江線上    | 作者: 翻譯 陳萍萍    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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