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500 thousand yuan! Hangzhou awards the world skill champion, launches a new batch of master studios
發佈時間:2018-01-22 16:36:22    

 Jiang Yingcheng and Wang Qin, two ordinary post-90s young people, came to the forefront because of an international competition. In last year's forty-fourth world skills competition, Jiang Yingcheng(Automobile painting project), the teacher of Hangzhou technician institute and Wang Qin (hairdressing project),the teacher of Gongshu vocational high school won the gold medal and the best prize respectively.

  The young technician gaining the skill Olympic medals, Hangzhou should award them. In January 18th, Hangzhou held the summary of the forty-fourth world skill competition and the advancement of the construction of high skilled personnel in Hangzhou. The conclusion will decide that Jiang Yingcheng and his technical guidance expert team received 500 thousand yuan reward (duty-free) respectively, and Wang Qin and its technical guidance expert team received 150 thousand yuan reward (tax exemption) respectively.
  In addition to the two winners, Hangzhou also awarded 15 honorary titles of Hangzhou technical experts to the forty-fourth World Skills Competition national training team, and 3 units and 38 individuals who made outstanding contributions to the competition.
  Jiang Yingcheng and Wang Qin took part in the summing up meeing
  The young craftsman, the pride of the country
  How does the world skill competition champion be made
  Winning the world competition, Jiang Yingcheng and Wang Qin each have two brushes--although they are only 20 years old, they teach junior at their school with excellent results. The seniority is still shallow but they "full of strength". Jiang Yingcheng won the championship in the world skills competition for the first time. It was the first time that the gold medal was reclaimed in the history of competition.
  Jiang Yingcheng is "training spree". In preparation for the 44 world race, he had only been back in Yunnan's home in two years since 2015. For a long time with sandpaper door and hand gun, his hands a lot of cocoons. Long term training also causes muscle damage to the right arm. During the competition, he still smeared plaster, and went to the "battlefield" with wound.
  Wang Qin is excellent as their male colleagues. She is a young man, but she has been studying hairdresser for nearly 5 years. In her view, her youth is not equal to seniority, but "every minute is used on a haircut." During the race selection, the race was played for three or four days and stood for nearly ten hours a day. Wang Qin insisted on running 5000 meters every day to ensure adequate physical strength.
  "Achievement has become the past. Champion is a new starting point, and the road ahead will be long. In the future, I will continue to work hard, study hard, and constantly improve personal professional level, and pursue to become a truly great power craftsman. Jiang Yingcheng was very excited by the award of the Hangzhou, "I will take an active part in the forty-fifth world competition and work with the team to make the new players rush out of Hangzhou, rush out of Zhejiang and rush out of the country, and I will strive for another success. At the same time, I will apply craftsman spirit to teaching work, help more skilled young people go to the road of skilled talents, train more craftsmen in Hangzhou, and contribute to the economic and social development of Hangzhou. "
  The reporter learned that this year, the governments at all levels will reward the winners and teams of the world competition, and the gold medalists and team will get the sum of 1 million 300 thousand yuan. In the future, Hangzhou will continue to award the various skilled personnel.
  A new group of 35 Hangzhou skill master studios
  Imparting skills with apprentice to overcome difficulties
  The birth of a new group of 35 Hangzhou skill master studios
  In this summing-up meeting, 35 studios like Wu Zhixin welder skill master studio, become a new batch of Hangzhou skills master studio. 4 workstations, such as Liu Jiachun motorcycle maintenance technician workstation, become Hangzhou technician workstation. Lv Minhua and other 20 people were awarded the title of "Hangzhou Chief Mechanic".
  The construction of Hangzhou skill master studio started in 2012. Currently, there are 151 master level studios, 90 of city level, 37 of provincial level, 4 of national level, and 129 chief technicians have been selected.
  The studio master skills plays a unique role in imparting skills, technology innovation, technology exchange, research and implementation of masterly skills following the generation of inheritance to cultivate a batch of new high skilled talents for Hangzhou. It not only brings direct economic benefits to enterprises, but also brings technological innovation to the field of industry.
  The famous teacher teaches apprentice, and plays the high end leading role. Up to now, Hangzhou skill master studio has trained over 6000 highly skilled talents, completed nearly 1200 technical and innovative projects, and directly generated economic benefits of 350 million yuan.
  2017 Hangzhou chief mechanic
  Increase support and improve treatment
  Hangzhou should determine the training plan for skilled personnel
  At present, Hangzhou is at the critical stage of taking the lead in building a moderately prosperous society at a high level, accelerating the internationalization of cities and building world famous cities, and is in the critical stage of industrial transformation and upgrading. This not only provides an important opportunity to strengthen the construction of skilled personnel, but also puts forward new challenges.
  In order to make more blue collar as a senior engineer, Hangzhou has been innovating policies in recent years. For example, the government allocated more than 5000 million yuan per year for the training of skilled personnel, benefiting more than 4 thousand people. 15 technical colleges and universities have set up more than 500 outside school training bases, and actively explore the pilot system of the New Apprenticeship of enterprises.
  At present, skilled talents especially innovative knowledge, skills and talents, the overall shortage, and training of skilled personnel, not only to exercise skill, must have the good occupation accomplishment and craftsmanship.
  Hangzhou municipal government responsible person said, Hangzhou must identify skilled personnel training plan, vigorously develop the key areas of economic and social development, and badly need skilled talents, and form a complete talent echelon with primary, intermediate and high-level talents.
  In view of the narrow development of skilled talents and the low treatment rate, Hangzhou will actively implement the national and provincial skilled talents policy, and study and formulate local policies that meet the needs of Hangzhou development, and will strengthen the financial support for the improvement of the workers' skills, the training of enterprises and training institutions and the training of the skills competition.
  The government will grant more support to qualified graduates and training institutions and employers to contribute to the training of high skilled personnel, will classify the highly skilled personnel with outstanding contributions and enjoy the corresponding treatment according to the policy, and will give more outstanding material and spiritual rewards to the winners of world-class, national, provincial and municipal competitions and outstanding outstanding talents.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:吳焓煥    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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